
Sarah Lucas born 1962

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Sarah Lucas - New Religion (Violet)
Post-War to Present
June 2024
Christies, London
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Sarah Lucas - Obsidiana
20th Century & Contemporary Art Day Sale
March 2024
Phillips, London Auction
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Sarah Lucas - Get off your Horse and Drink your Milk
First Open: Post-War and Contemporary Art Online
March 2024
Christies, London (Online Auction)
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Sarah Lucas - Jubilee
20th Century & Contemporary Art Evening Sale
October 2023
Phillips, London Auction
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Sarah Lucas - Hoolian
LOVE STORIES - from the collection of Anne & Wolfgang Titze
October 2023
Christies, London
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Sarah Lucas - Is Suicide Genetic?
Post-War and Contemporary Art Day Sale
October 2023
Christies, London
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Sarah Lucas - How Little Does Sex Deliver?
Post-War and Contemporary Art Day Sale
October 2023
Christies, London
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Sarah Lucas - The Fag Show
Evening & Day Editions
September 2023
Phillips, London Auction
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
20th Century to Now
June 2023
Phillips, London Auction
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Sarah Lucas - Bunny Gets Snookered #8
20th Century & Contemporary Art Day Sale, Afternoon Session
May 2023
Phillips, New York Auction
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Sarah Lucas - Self-Portrait #3
Modern & Contemporary Day Auction
June 2022
Sothebys, London
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Sarah Lucas - Woman in a Tub
Art Contemporain Evening Auction
June 2022
Sothebys, Paris
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX

The artist Sarah Lucas

  • Part of the Young British Artists (YBAs).
  • Fashions installations, objects, photographs and collages.
  • The central theme of her works: sexuality and gender role models.

Sarah Lucas, born 1962 in Holloway, London, is a contemporary artist whose work focuses on society's view of male desire in relation to the concept of gender roles. To this end, she creates objects, installations, photographs and collages.  She has been dedicated to this theme from the very beginning, and her first exhibition in 1992 at the London gallery City Racing bore the programmatic title A Penis nailed to a Board.

Recurring materials in her installations and objects are pieces of furniture such as mattresses, chairs and everyday objects such as nylon stockings. She prefers to depict abstracted human bodies (parts), all headless, which evoke sexual associations and the associated social images through their posture and the emphasised depiction of genitals, mostly phalluses.

Lucas was part of the so-called Young British Artists, a loose, unofficial group of a few dozen people working in the arts, which existed mainly in the 1990s and did not call itself that at first, but was given that title by media. In the Young British Artists environment, she participated in some of their self-curated exhibitions that are still well-known today. These include Freeze (1988), Brilliant! (1995), Sensation (1997) and Intelligence - New British Art 2000, all of which took place at London's Tate Britain.

After Lucas attended the adult education centre Working Men's College in London, she quickly devoted herself to her artistic training, attending the London College of Printmaking from 1983 to 1984 and then Goldsmiths College, the visual arts branch of the University of London.

Die Künstlerin Sarah Lucas

  • Teil der Young British Artists (YBAs).
  • Fertigt Installationen, Objekte, Fotografien und Collagen.
  • Zentrales Thema ihrer Werke: Sexualität und geschlechtliche Rollenbilder.

Sarah Lucas, geb. 1962 in Holloway, London, ist eine zeitgenössische Künstlerin, deren Werke sich dem gesellschaftlichen Blick auf männliche Lust in Relation zum weiblichen Rollenverständnis widmen. Hierzu fertigt sie Objekte, Installationen, Fotografien und Collagen an.  Dieser Thematik hat sie sich von Beginn an verschrieben, und so trug bereits ihre erste eigene Ausstellung 1992 in der Londoner Galerie City Racing den programmatischen Titel A Penis nailed to a board.

Wiederkehrende Materialien ihrer Installationen und Objekte sind Möbelstücke wie Matratzen Stühle sowie Alltagsgegenstände wie Nylonstrümpfe. Sie stellt mit Vorliebe abstrahierte menschliche Körper(-teile) dar, allesamt kopflos, die durch ihre Haltung und die betonte Darstellung von Geschlechtsteilen, meist Phallen, sexuelle Assoziationen und die verknüpften gesellschaftlichen Bilder hervorrufen.

Lucas war Teil der sogenannten Young British Artists, einer losen, inoffiziellen Gruppierung von gut 20 künstlerisch tätigen Personen, die hauptsächlich in den 1990er-Jahren bestand und sich zunächst nicht selbst so bezeichnete, sondern durch die Medien so betitelt wurde. Im Umfeld der Young British Artists nahm sie an einigen derer noch heute bekannten selbst kuratierten Ausstellungen teil.

Dazu gehören Freeze (1988), Brilliant! (1995), Sensation (1997) und Intelligence – New British Art 2000, die jeweils in der Londoner Tate Britain stattfanden. Nachdem Lucas das Erwachsenenbildungszentrum Working Men's College in London besuchte, widmete sie sich sehr schnell ihrer künstlerischen Ausbildung und besuchte 1983 bis 1984 das London College of Printmaking und anschließend das Goldsmiths College, den Zweig für Bildende Kunst der University of London.

Sarah Lucas - News of the World
20th Century & Contemporary Art Day Sale - Afternoon Session
November 2021
Phillips, New York Auction
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Sarah Lucas - The Fag Show
Contemporary Art Online | New York
July 2021
Sothebys, New York
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Sarah Lucas - Beer Can Penis
First Open: Post-War & Contemporary Art Online
March 2021
Christies, London (Online Auction)
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Sarah Lucas - The Fag Show
Evening & Day Editions
January 2021
Phillips, London Auction
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Sarah Lucas - Self Portrait Mobile
New Now
December 2020
Phillips, London Auction
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Sarah Lucas - Polaroid Bunny #2
The Philosophy of Gordon Watson: Collecting Contemporary Art, Silver and Design
November 2020
Christies, London (Online Auction)
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Sarah Lucas - The Fag Show
The Philosophy of Gordon Watson: Collecting Contemporary Art, Silver and Design
November 2020
Christies, London (Online Auction)
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Sarah Lucas - Got A Salmon On (Prawn)
First Open: Post-War & Contemporary Art Online
October 2020
Christies, London (Online Auction)
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Sarah Lucas - Human Toilet Ii
Contemporary Art Day Auction
October 2020
Sothebys, London
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Sarah Lucas - Self Portraits 1990-1998
Contemporary Edition
September 2020
Christies, London (Online)
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Sarah Lucas - Got a Salmon on in the Street
First Open: Post-War & Contemporary Art Online
July 2020
Christies, London (Online Auction)
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Sarah Lucas - Self Portrait Mobile
July 2020
Phillips, Online Auction
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX

Sarah Lucas in News and Exhibitions

London, Tate Britain: »Sarah Lucas: Happy Gas«

With Sarah Lucas: Happy Gas, Tate Britain in London honors one of Britain's best-known female artists. She is one of the legendary Young British Artists who challenged England's art scene around 1990. Current works will also be on view here beginning Sept. 28.

September 27, 2023
Sarah Lucas turns 60

In the 1990s, the Young British Artists were seen as an answer to Margaret Thatcher's Conservative government. One of the best-known members of this circle was Sarah Lucas. She made her programmatic exhibition debut in 1992 with »Penis nailed to a Board«. Today, the British artist turns 60.

October 23, 2022

Sarah Lucas in News and Exhibitions

London, Tate Britain: »Sarah Lucas: Happy Gas«

Mit Sarah Lucas: Happy Gas ehrt das Tate Britain in London eine der bekanntesten britischen Künstlerinnen. Sie gehört zu den legendären Young British Artists, die um 1990 Englands Kunstszene herausforderten. Auch aktuelle Arbeiten sind hier ab dem 28. September zu sehen.

September 27, 2023
Sarah Lucas wird 60

Die Young British Artists verstand man in den 1990ern als Antwort auf die konservative Regierung Margaret Thatchers. Eine der bekanntesten Angehörigen aus diesem Kreis: Sarah Lucas. Mit »Penis nailed to a Board« gab sie 1992 ihr programmatisches Ausstellungsdebüt. Heute wird die britische Künstlerin 60 Jahre alt. 

October 23, 2022

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