Karl Blossfeldt Schielo 1865 - 1932 Berlin
Karl Blossfeldt in News and Exhibitions
Between Nature Exploration and Artistic Legacy
In the 1920s, homemade cameras and lenses with up to thirty-fold zoom were almost unimaginable - for Karl Blossfeldt, this was not an obstacle, but pure joy of experimentation. Not for nothing is he today considered one of the most important photographers of the 20th century. From 8 July, the Midlands Art Centre in Birmingham will be showing how his photographs, which were particularly popular with the Surrealists, made a significant contribution to the study of natural history.
Karl Blossfeldt in News and Exhibitions
Zwischen Naturerforschung und Kunstvermächtnis
Selbstgebaute Kameras und Objekte mit bis zu dreißigfachem Zoom waren in den 1920er Jahren noch beinahe unvorstellbar – für Karl Blossfeldt kein Hindernis, sondern pure Experimentierfreude. Nicht umsonst zählt er heute zu den bedeutendsten Fotografen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Das Midlands Art Centre in Birmingham zeigt ab dem 8. Juli, welchen bedeutenden Anteil die vor allem unter Surrealisten beliebten Fotos für die Naturforschung hatten.