Lu Yifei
Waterfall in Mount Lu
Found at
Hong Kong
Fine Chinese Modern and Contemporary Ink Paintings, Lot 1227
2. Dec - 2. Dec 2022
Fine Chinese Modern and Contemporary Ink Paintings, Lot 1227
2. Dec - 2. Dec 2022
Estimate: 60.000 - 80.000 HKD
Price realised: not available
Price realised: not available
LU YIFEI (1931-2005)
Waterfall in Mount Lu
Handscroll, ink and colour on paper
45.5 x 999 cm. (17 7/8 x 393 1/4 in.)
Entitled, inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist
Dated winter, wuchen year (1988)
Frontispiece inscribed and signed by He Youhui (b. 1931), with three seals
Waterfall in Mount Lu
Handscroll, ink and colour on paper
45.5 x 999 cm. (17 7/8 x 393 1/4 in.)
Entitled, inscribed and signed, with three seals of the artist
Dated winter, wuchen year (1988)
Frontispiece inscribed and signed by He Youhui (b. 1931), with three seals