Firelei Báez born 1981 in Santiago de los Caballeros, Dominican Republic

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Firelei Báez - Anayansi from the series Geographic Delay
New Now
September 2022
Phillips, New York Auction
Est.: 30.000 - 40.000 USD
Realised: 52.920 USD
Firelei Báez - Demetrea (from the series Geographic Delay)
20th Century & Contemporary Art Day Sale, Afternoon Session
May 2022
Phillips, New York Auction
Est.: 30.000 - 40.000 USD
Realised: 94.500 USD
Firelei Báez - Crewel
New Now
March 2022
Phillips, New York Auction
Est.: 30.000 - 40.000 USD
Realised: 59.220 USD
Firelei Báez - Untitled
20th Century & Contemporary Art Day Sale - Afternoon Session
November 2021
Phillips, New York Auction
Est.: 20.000 - 30.000 USD
Realised: 69.300 USD
Firelei Báez - Cibyl from the series Geographic Delay
20th Century & Contemporary Art Day Sale, Afternoon Session
June 2021
Phillips, New York Auction
Est.: 20.000 - 30.000 USD
Realised: 100.800 USD
Firelei Báez - Untitled
New Now
March 2021
Phillips, New York Auction
Est.: 15.000 - 20.000 USD
Realised: 37.800 USD
Firelei Báez - Ciguapa Pantera (to all the goods and pleasures of this world)
Contemporary Curated
March 2021
Sothebys, New York
Est.: 40.000 - 60.000 USD
Realised: 63.000 USD
Firelei BáEz - Slooshying The Sluice Of Lovely Sounds. Oh, It Was Gorgeousness And Gorgeosity Made Flesh.
Contemporary Curated
October 2020
Sothebys, New York
Est.: 8.000 - 12.000 USD
Realised: 56.700 USD
Firelei Báez - Megan (lugar a dudas)
New Now
September 2020
Phillips, New York Auction
Est.: 10.000 - 15.000 USD
Realised: 46.250 USD
Firelei Baez - Patterns Of Resistance
Contemporary Curated
March 2019
Sothebys, New York
Est.: 9.000 - 12.000 USD
Realised: 35.000 USD
Firelei Báez - Untitled
New Now
September 2017
Phillips, New York Auction
Est.: 5.000 - 7.000 USD
Realised: 17.500 USD

Firelei Báez in News and Exhibitions

Boston, Institute of Contemporary Art shows Firelei Báez

In her first major museum exhibition in North America, Firelei Báez presents 40 works of art from the last 20 years. Báez questions how colonial history is told and advocates viewing the past from many perspectives instead of just one. The show at the Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston opens on April 4.

April 04, 2024
Humlebæk, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art: »Firelei Báez«

Starting October 5, the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in Humlebæk, Denmark, is all about Firelei Báez: the Dominican painter presents many new works from the last five years and explores a new chapter in colonial history.

October 05, 2023

Firelei Báez in News and Exhibitions

Boston, Institute of Contemporary Art zeigt Firelei Báez

In ihrer ersten großen Museumsausstellung in Nordamerika präsentiert Firelei Báez 40 Kunstwerke aus den letzten 20 Jahren. Báez hinterfragt, wie Kolonialgeschichte erzählt wird und setzt sich für eine Betrachtung der Vergangenheit aus vielen statt nur einer Perspektive ein. Die Schau des Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston eröffnet am 4. April.

April 04, 2024
Humlebæk, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art: »Firelei Báez«

Ab dem 5. Oktober steht das Louisiana Museum of Modern Art im dänischen Humlebæk ganz im Zeichen von Firelei Báez: Die dominikanische Malerin präsentiert viele neue Arbeiten aus den letzten fünf Jahren und befasst sich mit einem neuen Kapitel der Kolonialgeschichte.

October 05, 2023

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Richard Prince - Together
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