Ma Quan


Found at Sothebys, Hong Kong
Fine Classical Chinese Paintings, Lot 2514
11. Apr - 27. Apr 2022
Estimate: 30.000 - 50.000 HKD
Price realised: 214.200 HKD
Ma Quan
18th Century
ink and colour on silk, hanging scroll
signed Jiangxiang Ma Quan, dated jiaxu (1754) and with two seals of the artist (one illegible)
Inscriptions by Xi Ao (active in early 18 style="color: windowtext;">th century), Qi Shou, Wang Chen (1681-1762) and Zhou Anjie (active in 18 style="color: windowtext;">th century), each signed and with one to three seals of theirs
with one other collector’s seal
159 x 89.5 cm. 62⅝ x 35⅜ in.
------------------------------- 馬荃

Artwork auctioned at four times the upper estimate price

The work Chrysanthemums by Ma Quan was worth HKD 214,200.00 (€ 25,898.34) to a buyer in April last year. This price was achieved in the auction Fine Classical Chinese Paintings at Sothebys in Hong Kong and exceeded the previously set upper estimate of HKD 50,000.00 many times over. However, buyers have had to dig much deeper into their pockets for other works by Ma Quan - we have observed the highest auction result to date for the work Flower, Bird and Insect, which sold at auction in November 2016 for HKD 475,000.00 (€ 57,881.92).

Kunstwerk zum Vierfachen des oberen Schätzpreises versteigert

Die Arbeit Chrysanthemums von Ma Quan war einem Käufer im April letzten Jahres HKD 214.200,00 (€ 25.898,34) wert. Dieser Preise wurde in der Auktion Fine Classical Chinese Paintings bei Sothebys in Hong Kong erzielt und übertraf den zuvor angesetzten oberen Schätzpreis von HKD 50.000,00 um ein Vielfaches. Für andere Arbeiten von Ma Quan mussten die Käufer allerdings auch schon deutlich tiefer in die Tasche greifen – das bisher höchste Auktionsergebnis haben wir für die Arbeit Flower, Bird and Insect beobachtet, die im November 2016 für HKD 475.000,00 (€ 57.881,92) versteigert wurde.

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