Barend van der Meer Dutch, 1659 - circa 1702

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Barend Van Der Meer - Still life of wild strawberries, peaches, figs, and other fruit on a ledge with a grey parrot
Quality in Detail. The Juli and Andrew Wieg Collection
March 2021
Sothebys, London
Est.: 20.000 - 30.000 GBP
Realised: 23.940 GBP
Barent van der Meer - Früchtestillleben mit einem Römer und Vögeln
Gemälde und Zeichnungen Alter Meister, Skulpturen
May 2018
Lempertz, Cologne
Est.: 50.000 - 60.000 EUR
Realised: 68.200 EUR
Barend van der Meer - Peaches, grapes and pomegranates on a plate, a sliced orange and walnuts on a partly draped table with a wine glass
The Collection of the Late John Appleby: A Channel Island Treasure House
November 2010
Christies, London
Est.: 4.000 - 6.000 GBP
Realised: 13.750 GBP
Barendt Van Der Meer - Grapes, peaches and an orange in a porcelain bowl, with a watch, nuts, a knife, a glass decanter, wine-glasses, grapes and a carpet on a wooden table
Important Old Master & British PicturesDay Sale Including Property From The Collection Of The Princely House Of Liechtenstein
July 2008
Christies, London
Est.: 20.000 - 30.000 GBP
Realised: 25.000 GBP
Barend Van Der Meer - Peaches And Raspberries On A Dish, With Grapes, A Roemer, A Partly-Peeled Lemon And A Basket On A Marble Ledge
Old Master Pictures and Drawings
November 2004
Christies, Amsterdam
Est.: 4.000 - 6.000 EUR
Realised: 10.158 EUR
Barent Van Der Meer - A pomegranate, grapes and peaches on a draped table
May 2002
Christies, Amsterdam
Est.: 7.000 - 9.000 EUR
Realised: 11.950 EUR

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