![Gonçalo Mabunda mit zwei seiner Kunstwerke](/images/magazine/artists/portraits/mabunda_portrait_800x.png)
More on the subject Artist Portraits
![Efraim Habermann - Israel](/images/magazine/artists/artworks/habermann-efraim/efraim_habermann-israel_740x.jpg)
»Photography is my work - watercolors are my pearls.«
With city views of Berlin, Efraim Habermann became known to a broad public as a photographer in the 1960s. His works are characterized early on by a distinctive, concise style and unusual perspectives. Today, after a 50-year creative phase, he has an extensive body of photographic work, consistently in black and white, with numerous series from Israel, Venice and Berlin, still lifes, portraits and photographic collages. Habermann's »pearls«, his mostly constructivist watercolors, geometric forms in strong colors, finely balanced into a postcard-sized composition, seem almost like a commentary on his own conception of the image. An extensive exhibition of works from the artist's private archive can now be seen in Berlin from mid-February.
![Nicolas Party](/images/magazine/artists/portraits/nicolas_party1_740x.jpg)
The world in pastel
With simple portraits and landscapes in pastel, the Swiss painter Nicolas Party succeeded in rising to the top of the art league. The former graffiti artist captivates with universal themes and used the pandemic for monumental projects.
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Spaces of Harmony
Klemens Pasoldt's sculptures reflect the contradictions of human perception. With astonishing complexity, they escape our usual formal vocabulary. Smooth surfaces and sharp edges, closed volumes and open fractures combine in the most beautiful harmony to create a balance of opposites.