![Buchcover flow to vision von Christine Keruth](/images/magazine/exhibitions-and-auctions/2024/2024-12/christine-keruth-katalog/coverflowtovision_800x.jpg)
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![Igor Eugen Prokop. 2024](/images/magazine/exhibitions-and-auctions/2024/2024-10/prokop-gold-list/igoreugenprokop_740x.jpg)
Igor Eugen Prokop among the »Top Artists of Today«
The international Art Market Magazine has published its Gold List of the most talented and inspiring artists for the eighth time. Among them is the Hungarian artist Igor Eugen Prokop, who participates in the Art.Salon artist program.
![Gemma Ushengewe](/images/magazine/exhibitions-and-auctions/2024/2024-10/shizuko-yoshikawa-award-2024/gemmaushengewe_740x.jpeg)
Gemma Ushengewe receives Shizuko Yoshikawa Award
The Shizuko Yoshikawa Award, which has been presented every two years since 2018, goes this year to Gemma Ushengewe, a documentary and experimental filmmaker and performance artist. The award supports Master's graduates from Swiss art academies at the beginning of their careers.
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Spaces of Harmony
Klemens Pasoldt's sculptures reflect the contradictions of human perception. With astonishing complexity, they escape our usual formal vocabulary. Smooth surfaces and sharp edges, closed volumes and open fractures combine in the most beautiful harmony to create a balance of opposites.