Robert Longo born 1953 in New York City

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Robert Longo - Untitled III, from Men in the Cities
Contemporary Edition: New York
July 2024
Christies, New York (Online Auction)
Est.: 8.000 - 12.000 USD
Realised: 10.080 USD
Robert Longo - Untitled II, from Men in the Cities
Contemporary Edition: New York
July 2024
Christies, New York (Online Auction)
Est.: 8.000 - 12.000 USD
Realised: 10.710 USD
Robert Longo - Untitled I, from Men in the Cities
Contemporary Edition: New York
July 2024
Christies, New York (Online Auction)
Est.: 8.000 - 12.000 USD
Realised: 10.710 USD
Robert Longo - Study for Race Car Crash
Modern & Contemporary Art
July 2024
Phillips, New York Auction
Est.: 15.000 - 20.000 USD
Realised: 50.800 USD
Robert Longo - Untitled (Ariane)
Editions & Works on Paper
June 2024
Phillips, New York Auction
Est.: 7.000 - 10.000 USD
Realised: 17.780 USD
Robert Longo - Study for Black Flag #5
First Open | Post-War & Contemporary Art
June 2024
Christies, New York (Online Auction)
Est.: 2.000 - 3.000 USD
Realised: 11.970 USD
Robert Longo - Study of Shark with Scar
Modern & Contemporary Art: Evening & Day Sale
June 2024
Phillips, London Auction
Est.: 40.000 - 60.000 GBP
Realised: 48.260 GBP
Robert Longo - Untitled (Janet, from the Men in the Cities Series)
Evening & Day Editions
June 2024
Phillips, London Auction
Est.: 1.000 - 1.500 GBP
Realised: 1.207 GBP
Robert Longo - Arena Brains
Evening & Day Editions
June 2024
Phillips, London Auction
Est.: 1.000 - 1.500 GBP
Realised: 1.270 GBP
Robert Longo - Arena Brains
Editions & Works on Paper
June 2024
Phillips, New York Auction
Est.: 1.000 - 2.000 USD
Realised: 1.524 USD
Robert Longo - Untitled (New York Athletic Club)
Modern & Contemporary Art: Online Auction, New York
June 2024
Phillips, 17 -
Est.: 3.000 - 5.000 USD
Realised: 13.970 USD
Robert Longo - Untitled (Angel\'s Wing) (Small Version)
Modern & Contemporary Prints & Multiples
May 2024
Bonhams, New York
Est.: 3.000 - 5.000 USD
Realised: 3.584 USD

The artist Robert Longo

  • Contemporary US artist who lives and works in New York.
  • Known for his photo-realistic charcoal, ink and graphite drawings.
  • Often uses the chiaroscuro technique in his works.

The US artist, musician and filmmaker Robert Longo is known for his large-scale, detailed and photo-realistic drawings, for which he primarily uses charcoal, ink or graphite. He is considered a talented painter of the chiaroscuro technique, and his work explores politics as well as social power relations. His art has been exhibited internationally, including at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York), the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art (Moscow), the documenta in Kassel, the Biennial of the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York and the Venice Biennale.

Born in Brooklyn (New York City) on 7 January 1953, he took art lessons from the sculptor Leonda Finke and later studied together with Cindy Sherman at the State University College at Buffalo. In 1975 he graduated with a bachelor's degree in art and in the same decade founded the Hallwalls Contemporary Arts Center in Buffalo with Sherman and Nancy Dwyer, among others.

In addition, he worked extensively with installations, performances, video art and photography in the period after his studies. In the early 1980s he published the black and white series Men in the City. The series of charcoal, graphite and ink received much positive critical acclaim. After his directorial debut with the short film Arena Brains in 1988, he went on to direct several more films, including Johnny Mnemonic starring Keanu Reeves in 1995, as well as various music videos such as R.E.M.'s The One I love in 2009.

In 1994 he married the German actress Barbara Sukowa, with whom he now lives and works in New York.

Der Künstler Robert Longo

  • Zeitgenössischer US-amerikanischer Künstler, der in New York lebt und arbeitet.
  • Bekannt für seine fotorealistischen Kohle-, Tinten- und Graphitzeichnungen.
  • Bedient sich in seinen Werken häufig der Chiaroscuro-Technik.

Der US-amerikanischer Künstler, Musiker und Filmemacher Robert Longo ist bekannt für seine großformatigen, detaillierten und fotorealistischen Zeichnungen, für die er vornehmlich Kohle, Tinte oder Graphit verwendet. Er gilt als talentierter Maler der Chiaroscuro-Technik und setzt sich in seinen Arbeiten mit Politik und gesellschaftlichen Machtverhältnissen auseinander. Seine Werke wurden international ausgestellt und waren u. a.  im Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York), im Garage Museum of Contemporary Art (Moskau) auf der documenta in Kassel, der Biennale des New Yorker Whitney Museum of American Art sowie auf der Biennale von Venedig zu sehen.

Am 07.01.1953 in Brooklyn (New York) geboren, nahm er Kunstunterricht bei der Bildhauerin Leonda Finke und studierte später zusammen mit Cindy Sherman am State University College von Buffalo. 1975 schloss er das Kunststudium mit einem Bachelor ab und gründete im selben Jahrzehnt u. a. mit Sherman und Nancy Dwyer das Hallwalls Contemporary Arts Center in Buffalo.

Daneben befasste er sich in der Zeit nach seinem Studium eingehend mit Installationen, Performances, Videokunst und Fotografie. In den frühen 1980ern veröffentlichte er die Schwarzweißserie Men in the City. Für die Serie aus Kohle, Graphit und Tusche bekam er viel positive Kritiken. Nach seinem Regiedebut mit dem Kurzfilm Arena Brains im Jahre 1988 führte er noch einige weitere Male Regie, darunter 1995 in  Johnny Mnemonic mit Keanu Reeves in der Hauptrolle sowie bei verschiedenen Musikvideos wie z.B. The One I love von R.E.M. aus dem Jahr 2009.

1994 heiratete er die deutsche Schauspielerin Barbara Sukowa, mit der er heute in New York lebt und arbeitet.

Robert Longo - Untitled (Monument to the Homeless)
Works from the Lower East Side Printshop Archives
April 2024
Phillips, New York Auction
Est.: 800 - 1.200 USD
Realised: 1.270 USD
Robert Longo - Untitled (Tree)
Editions & Works on Paper
April 2024
Phillips, New York Auction
Est.: 8.000 - 12.000 USD
Realised: not available
Robert Longo - Untitled (Janet), from Men in the Cities
Editions & Works on Paper
April 2024
Phillips, New York Auction
Est.: 1.000 - 1.500 USD
Realised: 2.032 USD
Robert Longo - Untitled Pl. 12 from Men in the Cities
April 2024
Phillips, New York Auction
Est.: 8.000 - 12.000 USD
Realised: 19.050 USD
Robert Longo - Untitled Pl. 6 from Men in the Cities
April 2024
Phillips, New York Auction
Est.: 8.000 - 12.000 USD
Realised: 27.940 USD
Robert Longo - Untitled (X-Ray of Head of Christ, c. 1648-1656, After Rembrandt)
Prints and Multiples
April 2024
Christies, New York
Est.: 4.000 - 6.000 USD
Realised: 3.780 USD
Robert Longo - Untitled (Wall of Ice)
Prints and Multiples
April 2024
Christies, New York
Est.: 4.000 - 6.000 USD
Realised: not available
Robert Longo - Untitled (Rippling Water)
Prints and Multiples
April 2024
Christies, New York
Est.: 4.000 - 6.000 USD
Realised: not available
Robert Longo - Gretchen and Eric, from Men in the Cities
Prints and Multiples
April 2024
Christies, New York
Est.: 60.000 - 80.000 USD
Realised: 63.000 USD
Robert Longo - Rick, from Men in the Cities
Editions & Works on Paper
April 2024
Phillips, New York Auction
Est.: 15.000 - 25.000 USD
Realised: 24.130 USD
Robert Longo - Gretchen, from Men in the Cities
Editions & Works on Paper
April 2024
Phillips, New York Auction
Est.: 20.000 - 30.000 USD
Realised: 22.860 USD
Robert Longo - Untitled, Study for Men in the Cities, 1982
Post-War & Contemporary Art
March 2024
Bonhams, Los Angeles
Est.: 10.000 - 15.000 USD
Realised: 10.240 USD

Robert Longo in News and Exhibitions

Vienna, ALBERTINA presents Robert Longo

From September 4, the ALBERTINA Museum in Vienna will be showing numerous large-format works by the famous artist Robert Longo in an exhibition of the same name. The hyper-realistic charcoal drawings fascinate with their technical perfection and analysis of power systems.

September 04, 2024

Robert Longo in News and Exhibitions

Wien, ALBERTINA präsentiert Robert Longo

Ab dem 4. September zeigt die ALBERTINA in Wien zahlreiche großformatige Werke des berühmten Künstlers Robert Longo in der gleichnamigen Ausstellung. Die hyperrealistischen Kohlezeichnungen faszinieren durch technische Perfektion und die inhaltliche Analyse von Machtsystemen.

September 04, 2024

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