
Giovanni di Marco also called Giovanni dal Ponte | Florence 1385 - circa 1437 Florence

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Giovanni Di Marco, Called Giovanni Dal Ponte - The Madonna and Child enthroned with Saints Barbara, Dominic, John the Baptist and Anthony Abbot
Old Masters
October 2020
Christies, New York
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Giovanni Dal Ponte - The Madonna and Child with God the Father above
Old Masters Day Sale
July 2017
Christies, London
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Giovanni Dal Ponte - The Seven Virtues
Old Masters: Part I
April 2016
Christies, New York
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Giovanni Di Marco - God The Father Sending Forth The Holy Spirit In The Form Of A Dove, Surrounded By Four Seraphim
Selected Renaissance and Mannerist Works of Art Assembled by Fabrizio Moretti
January 2015
Sothebys, New York
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Giovanni Di Marco - Madonna And Child With Two Angels
Old Master Paintings
June 2012
Sothebys, New York
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Giovanni dal Ponte - A nobleman and lady - panel from a cassone or spalliera
Old Master & 19th Century Paintings, Drawings & Watercolours Day
July 2010
Christies, London
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Giovanni Dal Ponte - The Madonna and Child with Saints John the Baptist, Andrew, Anthony Abbot, and Nicholas of Bari; the Annunciation in the predella
Important Old Master Paintings and Sculpture
January 2009
Christies, New York
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX

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Francesco Guardi - Venice, a view of the Piazzetta toward the Libreria, with the eastern tip of the Giudecca beyond
Francesco Guardi
Last auction: 23. May - 23. May 2024
Title: Venice, a view of the Piazzetta toward the Libreria, with the eastern tip of the Giudecca beyond
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
197 auction results
George Romney - Portrait of Mrs William Maguire, seated, half-length, in a white dress and fichu, a landscape beyond
George Romney
Last auction: 3. Jul - 3. Jul 2024
Title: Portrait of Mrs William Maguire, seated, half-length, in a white dress and fichu, a landscape beyond
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
256 auction results
Gaetano Gandolfi - A bearded man, bust-length, holding a rosary
Gaetano Gandolfi
Last auction: 6. Jul - 6. Jul 2023
Title: A bearded man, bust-length, holding a rosary
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
87 auction results
no image
Giovanni Battista Salvi
Last auction: 20. Sep - 20. Sep 2024
Title: Betende Madonna.
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Koller
98 auction results