Pasadena, Norton Simon Museum: »Plugged In: Art and Electric Light«

Working with light

The Norton Simon Museum in Pasadena is presenting a special show from September 20: Plugged In: Art and Electric Light features works by famous artists from the 1960s who declared electric light to be a material for art.

September 20, 2024
Robert Rauschenberg (American, 1925-2008) Green Shirt, 1965-67
Norton Simon Museum, Gift of the Artist © 2024 Robert Rauschenberg Foundation / Licensed by VAGA at Artists Rights Society (ARS), NY
Robert Rauschenberg (American, 1925-2008) Green Shirt, 1965-67 Neon and enameled metal 119 x 240 x 10-1/2 in. (302.3 x 609.6 x 26.7 cm)

With the exhibition Plugged In: Art and Electric Light, the Norton Simon Museum sheds light on the early days of light art: eleven works by eight famous artists, all created between 1964 and 1970, demonstrate these artists' interest in new technologies, social change and drastically changing consumer behavior. Some works, such as White Painting (1964) by Andy Warhol, which can also be seen in the exhibition and comments on how the female body is used as an object and as an advertising medium since the post-war period, were the subject of controversy. Other highlights include Assembly Lamp Eight (1966) by Jess (Burgess Collins) and the monumental Green Shirt (1965-1967) by Robert Rauschenberg. All exhibits come from the museum's collection and can be seen in the exhibition from September 20, 2024 to February 17, 2025.

Other works are by Walter Askin, Laddie John Dill, Dan Flavin, Robert Irwin and Allen Ruppersberg. In some works of art, the original light bulbs have been replaced by LEDs and components such as transformers by newer models, following consultation with the artists or their executors. This reduces power consumption and increases the safety and longevity of the works.

An accompanying program complements the exhibition with further information. A two-day symposium on the use of electric light in art, organized by the museum together with the California Institute of Technology, will take place on 11 and 12 October. From November 8 to 29, a film series will explain Hollywood's fascination with electricity.Art.Salon

Jess (American, 1923-2004) Assembly Lamp Eight, 1966
Norton Simon Museum, Gift of Odyssia Skouras © Jess Collins Trust
Jess (American, 1923-2004) Assembly Lamp Eight, 1966 Assemblage: electric lamp base and octagonal shade constructed of wood, copper wire, plastic, magazine clippings, tape, black paint, glue and glass projection lantern slides 16 in. high (40.6 cm); 9-1/2 in. diam. (24.1 cm)

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