Graz: Neue Galerie opens follow-up exhibition to »Ladies First«

»Ladies and Gentlemen. The Fragile Feminist We« – Contemporary Art on Feminist Issues

With Ladies and Gentlemen. The Fragile Feminist We, Neue Galerie Graz not only seamlessly follows up on the previous exhibition Ladies First, but also approaches current social discourses around the topic of feminism, queer theories and gender issues. The event can be visited from October 15 2021.

October 14, 2021
Nicole Tran Ba Vang, „ohne Titel 05 (aus: Collection printemps/été 2001)“, 2001,  Farbfoto auf Diasec/Dibond/Aluminium, 120 x 120 cm
Neue Galerie Graz, Photo: Universalmuseum Joanneum/N. Lackner, © Copyright, Wien 2021
Nicole Tran Ba Vang, „untitled 05 (from: Collection printemps/été 2001)“, 2001, Color photo on diasec/dibond/aluminum, 120 x 120 cm.

The exhibition Ladies and Gentlemen. The Fragile Feminist We at Neue Galerie Graz represents a continuation of the exhibition Ladies First, which explored aspects of the feminine from a historical perspective. From September 2020 to September 2021, the Austrian art museum showed works by local women artists from a period spanning 1850 to 1950. The follow-up exhibition Ladies and Gentlemen now follows on almost seamlessly from October 15, 2021, presenting works from international as well as the museum's own collection, beginning with the 1960s and extending to the present. In comparison to Ladies First, the selection of exhibits in the current exhibition also includes male artists - according to the organizers, this is due to the current debate as well as the exhibition history of the Neue Galerie: As early as 1979, in the context of the trigon biennials, masculin feminin was a reaction to the so-called New Women's Movement, and attention was paid to gender parity and thus to an equal distribution of male and female art.

Louise Bourgeois, „Anatomy“, 1990,  Kaltnadelradierung, Bl. 50 x 35 cm
Neue Galerie Graz, Photo: Universalmuseum Joanneum/N. Lackner, © The Easton Foundation/Copyright, Wien 2021
Louise Bourgeois, „Anatomy“, 1990, Drypoint, sheet 50 x 35 cm

Ladies and Gentlemen. The Fragile Feminist We will primarily be looking at works that can be assigned to a newer feminism, the gender debate, and queer theories. Visitors are guided through social gender discourses of the last 50 years and can gain exemplary insights into historical as well as current gender issues from the perspective of different generations. The exhibition is divided into five loose themes and shows a selection of local and international as well as familiar and almost forgotten positions of gender-based art. The work show can be visited until October 30, 2022. Art.Salon

Maryam Mohammadi, „Talisman“ (aus 7-teiliger Serie), 2016,  Farbfoto (digitale Doppelbelichtung), 100 x 70 cm
Neue Galerie Graz, Photo: Maryam Mohammadi
Maryam Mohammadi, „Talisman“ (from 7-part series), 2016, Color photo (digital double exposure), 100 x 70 cm.

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