The German artist Willi Sitte (1921-2013) is one of the most famous but also one of the most controversial artists in the GDR. On October 03, 2021, the exhibition Sitte's World. Willi Sitte: The Retrospective opens in his honor at the Kunstmuseum Moritzburg in Halle an der Saale. Without cultural-political influence, it deals with Sitte's complete works between 1930 and 2005 and offers an overview of the development of the work of the most exposed representative of the official art and cultural system of the GDR. Art lovers can have a look at the retrospective on the first floor of the Moritzburg until January 09, 2022. Here, the focus is on Sitte's works from the 1940s to the 1960s, as they represented decisive years of development for him both artistically and in his relationship to the state and the party. On the second floor, large-format program paintings from the 1950s to the 1980s are on display.
Willi Sitte, born in the Czech Republic on 28 February 1921, was a visual artist and cultural politician who influenced both the biographies of individual artists and the entire cultural policy of the GDR, both positively and negatively. His last solo show took place during GDR times in the 1980s. Since there has been no objective examination of Sitte's artistic work since reunification, the Kunstmuseum, in conjunction with the Institute for Cultural Studies (Dresden), is taking on this exhibition project in 2021 on the occasion of the artist's 100th birthday.