Gustavus Hamilton Irish, 1739 - 1775

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Gustavus Hamilton - Cherries in a basket with grapes, peaches, pears, apples and a watermelon on a ledge
The Sunday Sale
September 2008
Christies, London
Est.: 1.000 - 2.000 GBP
Realised: 3.250 GBP
Gustavus Hamilton - A boy, in white coat with blue collar and white buttons, blue waistcoat, white lace cravat, powdered wig en queue
The Gordon Collection of Portrait Miniatures
November 2007
Christies, London
Est.: 800 - 1.200 GBP
Realised: 1.188 GBP
Gustavus Hamilton - Unknown
Portrait Miniatures, Objects of Vertu, Icons, Russian and
December 2003
Christies, London
Est.: 200 - 300 GBP
Realised: 447 GBP
Gustavus Hamilton - A young gentleman, facing right in green coat and yellow waistcoat, lace cravat, powdered hair
Objects of Vertu and Portrait Miniatures
October 2002
Christies, London
Est.: 300 - 400 GBP
Realised: 353 GBP
Gustavus Hamilton - A young gentleman, facing right in blue coat with gold embroidered blue collar and facings, lace cravat, powdered wig
November 2000
Christies, London
Est.: 400 - 600 GBP
Realised: 2.115 GBP

Similar and associated artists

George Engleheart - A portrait miniature of an officer, wearing red coat with blue collar and facings edged with gold trim, gold epaulettes and brass buttons, white chemise, stock and lace cravat, his hair powdered
George Engleheart
Last auction: 4. Apr - 4. Apr 2023
Title: A portrait miniature of an officer, wearing red coat with blue collar and facings edged with gold trim, gold epaulettes and brass buttons, white chemise, stock and lace cravat, his hair powdered
Price: 2.295 GBP
Found at Bonhams
103 auction results
Richard Crosse - Portrait of Joseph England (d. 1792) of the 38th Regiment, circa 1785
Richard Crosse
Last auction: 4. Dec - 4. Dec 2020
Title: Portrait of Joseph England (d. 1792) of the 38th Regiment, circa 1785
Price: 1.512 GBP
Found at Sothebys
35 auction results
Andrew Plimer - A portrait miniature of a lady wearing white dress with pearl trim, her hair powdered
Andrew Plimer
Last auction: 28. Jun - 28. Jun 2023
Title: A portrait miniature of a lady wearing white dress with pearl trim, her hair powdered
Price: not available
Found at Bonhams
65 auction results
Christian Friedrich Zincke - Portrait Of A Gentleman, Circa 1725
Christian Friedrich Zincke
Last auction: 28. Apr - 28. Apr 2021
Title: Portrait Of A Gentleman, Circa 1725
Price: not sold
Found at Sothebys
52 auction results