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Fred Enock
8 auction results in 1 auction
Fred Enock
1845 - 1916
11.250 GBP
Parasite of Holly Fly: twenty-five diagrams showing parasites, their mines through leaves, eggs and larvae on leaves
Apr 2011
Christies, London
11.250 GBP
The Willow Saw Fly: nineteen diagrams showing the anatomy, habits of saw flies and their larvae
Apr 2011
Christies, London
10.625 GBP
The leaf cutting bee: twenty-eight diagrams showing the anatomy, and habit of the bee as it cuts a rose leaf
Apr 2011
Christies, London
5.250 GBP
Head of Vespa vulgaris: seventeen diagrams showing the anatomy of wasps and ants; five diagrams of the nest of trap-door spider; five diagrams of the anatomy and preying of devil's coach horse beetle
Apr 2011
Christies, London
5.250 GBP
Wood boring wasp catching its prey: eleven diagrams showing the stages of the capture; seven diagrams showing the anatomy and life cycle of wasp and hover fly
Apr 2011
Christies, London
1.750 GBP
The tiger beetle: seventeen diagrams showing the anatomy of Cicindelia campestris
Apr 2011
Christies, London
2.250 GBP
Wings of Bombus: twelve diagrams of entomological anatomy and habit
Apr 2011
Christies, London
5.000 GBP
The earwig: seven diagrams showing the wing positions of an earwig, a folding diagram of earwig wings, two textual titles
Apr 2011
Christies, London
Auction History
Auction Results
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Auction Price
in Euro
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1,000 to 10,000
10,000 to 50,000
50,000 to 100,000
100,000 to 500,000
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more than 1 M.
Auction Year
Travel, Science and Natural History
April 2011
Christies, London
Est.: 2.500 - 3.500 GBP
Realised: 11.250 GBP
Parasite of Holly Fly: twenty-five diagrams showing parasites, their mines through leaves, eggs and larvae on leaves
11.250 GBP
Apr 2011 , Christies, London
Travel, Science and Natural History
April 2011
Christies, London
Est.: 2.000 - 3.000 GBP
Realised: 11.250 GBP
The Willow Saw Fly: nineteen diagrams showing the anatomy, habits of saw flies and their larvae
11.250 GBP
Apr 2011 , Christies, London
Travel, Science and Natural History
April 2011
Christies, London
Est.: 3.000 - 5.000 GBP
Realised: 10.625 GBP
The leaf cutting bee: twenty-eight diagrams showing the anatomy, and habit of the bee as it cuts a rose leaf
10.625 GBP
Apr 2011 , Christies, London
Travel, Science and Natural History
April 2011
Christies, London
Est.: 2.000 - 3.000 GBP
Realised: 5.250 GBP
Head of Vespa vulgaris: seventeen diagrams showing the anatomy of wasps and ants; five diagrams of the nest of trap-door spider; five diagrams of the anatomy and preying of devil's coach horse beetle
5.250 GBP
Apr 2011 , Christies, London
Travel, Science and Natural History
April 2011
Christies, London
Est.: 1.500 - 2.000 GBP
Realised: 5.250 GBP
Wood boring wasp catching its prey: eleven diagrams showing the stages of the capture; seven diagrams showing the anatomy and life cycle of wasp and hover fly
5.250 GBP
Apr 2011 , Christies, London
Travel, Science and Natural History
April 2011
Christies, London
Est.: 1.200 - 1.800 GBP
Realised: 1.750 GBP
The tiger beetle: seventeen diagrams showing the anatomy of Cicindelia campestris
1.750 GBP
Apr 2011 , Christies, London
Travel, Science and Natural History
April 2011
Christies, London
Est.: 1.000 - 1.500 GBP
Realised: 2.250 GBP
Wings of Bombus: twelve diagrams of entomological anatomy and habit
2.250 GBP
Apr 2011 , Christies, London
Travel, Science and Natural History
April 2011
Christies, London
Est.: 800 - 1.200 GBP
Realised: 5.000 GBP
The earwig: seven diagrams showing the wing positions of an earwig, a folding diagram of earwig wings, two textual titles
5.000 GBP
Apr 2011 , Christies, London
Dynamic Lines in Motion by Anja Mamero
Anja Mamero
Behind the Curtain I
Painting, 2023
800 EUR
Anja Mamero
Oil-Painting, 2020
Anja Mamero
Painting, 2021
Anja Mamero
Oil on Canvas, 2021
2.800 EUR