Berlin, Kulturkirche Nikodemus shows Femmespheres

TURNING POINT - STILLEN: A Berlin church filled with female energy and intention

As part of the 48-Stunden-Neukölln art festival, the female artists' collective FEMMESPHERES is presenting a project in the Kulturkirche Nikodemus from 28-30 June 2024. Under the name »STILLEN«, six female artists will be exploring the specific symbol of a circle. Corinna Rosteck, an artist from the Art.Salon artists' programme, is also among the participants.

June 27, 2024
Femmespheres, Festival 48hours, Berlin 2024
Provided by Corinna Rosteck
Femmespheres, Festival 48hours, Berlin 2024

From 28 June to 30 June 2024, it's that time again: 48-Stunden-Neukölln is back for another round. As every year, the decentralised art festival takes place in the Berlin district of Neukölln and presents several hundred events at around 300 different venues. This includes the Kulturkirche Nikodemus, which the artists' collective FEMMESPHERES will fill with female energy and intention from 28-30 June 2024 and present the »STILLEN« project. From paste-ups and augmented reality to video projection and performance, six artists from the collective will perform in the church from the inside, the outside and the path in between. Corinna Rosteck is one of them. The German artist works with artistic photography, video and installation and is part of the Art.Salon artist programme. Together with Gabriela Dumitrescu, Maria Korporal, Izabela Nowak, Anja Roth and Susanne Weber-Lehrfeld, she will be exploring gender issues, each in their own creative way. The result is an exchange of perspectives, narratives and works from diametrically opposed fields of female art for a dazzling visibility of what women love, value and want to strengthen about other women.

The project focuses on a symbol full of visual calm and explosive content: a circle with a dot in the centre. A symbol that is used in so many areas and could equally stand for an eye, a target or the female breast. Each artist creates her works personally and with her own means, united by the use of the symbol and invites the viewer to rest, to pause, to reflect on their own needs, perhaps even to satisfy them and, in all their individuality, to see themselves as a community.

A special highlight of the FEMMESPHERES project is the performance »Turning Point« with video projections and live musicians, to be seen on Friday (28 June 2024) and Saturday (29 June 2024) from 10-10.30 pm.  The three dancers Macha Melanie Bastide, Susanne Weber-Lehrfeld and Karinne Grenier position themselves on a rotating disc, while large projected visuals by Corinna Rosteck, as well as a saxophone (Lewis Jordan) and a piano (Yulia Chaplina) correspond in a dialogue between the performance and the space of silence. Time stands still, slowly begins to turn and expand, an incessant movement, an ellipse that is in harmony with the live musicians.

For additional information click here:

To the Kulturkirche Nikodemus 
Turningpoint - the event


Turning point, Videostill, 2024 ©Corinna Rosteck
© Corinna Rosteck
Turning point, Videostill, 2024

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June 27, 2024