![Franz Gertsch, Huaa…!, 1969](/images/magazine/exhibitions-and-auctions/2024/2024-06/louisiana-gertsch/gertsch_huaa_800x.webp)
Dive deeper into the art world
Zurich: Galerie am Lindenhof shows Christoph Pauschenwein
Art without AI: Christoph Pauschenwein's unique visual worlds
Oslo, Festival Interpuls with Philipp Geist
The glowing church: minimal music in a riot of color
Interpuls is a festival for minimalist music in Oslo. It takes place this year on February 21 and 22. Philipp Geist, who is taking part in the Art.Salon artist program, is creating spectacular audiovisual installations for the concerts.
February 17, 2025
Kayo Shido
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