Moritz Stifter - Austrian the Favourite

Moritz Stifter

Austrian the Favourite

Found at Sothebys, London
19th Century European Paintings Including German, Austrian and Central European Paintings, The Orientalist Sale, Spanish Painting and the Scandinavian Sale, Lot 145
2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Estimate: XX.XXX
Price realised: XX.XXX
Moritz Stifter
signed M Stifter upper right
oil on panel
32 by 40cm., 12½ by 15¾in.

Auction result well in line with expectations

The work Austrian the Favourite by Moritz Stifter was sold in the 19th Century European Paintings Including German, Austrian and Central European Paintings, The Orientalist Sale, Spanish Painting and the Scandinavian Sale auction at Sothebys in London in June 2010. The price achieved of GBP 13,750.00 (€ 16,721.28) was within expectations - the estimate range had previously been set by the auction house as GBP 12,000.00 – 18,000.00. However, buyers have had to dig much deeper into their pockets for other works by Moritz Stifter - we have observed the highest auction result to date for the work The Rhamazan Bride, which sold at auction in October 2007 for USD 55,000.00 (€ 38,014.93).

Auktionsergebnis im Rahmen der Erwartungen

Die Arbeit Austrian the Favourite von Moritz Stifter wurde im Juni 2010 in der Auktion 19th Century European Paintings Including German, Austrian and Central European Paintings, The Orientalist Sale, Spanish Painting and the Scandinavian Sale bei Sothebys in London versteigert. Der dabei erzielte Preis von GBP 13.750,00 (€ 16.721,28) lag im Rahmen der Erwartungen – die Schätzpreisspanne war von dem Auktionshaus zuvor mit GBP 12.000,00 – 18.000,00 angegeben worden. Für andere Arbeiten von Moritz Stifter mussten die Käufer allerdings auch schon deutlich tiefer in die Tasche greifen – das bisher höchste Auktionsergebnis haben wir für die Arbeit The Rhamazan Bride beobachtet, die im Oktober 2007 für USD 55.000,00 (€ 38.014,93) versteigert wurde.

Other artists in this auction

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Found at Sothebys
84 auction results
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Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: French le Palais Des Doges Vu De La Dogana, Venise
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
149 auction results
André Dargelas - French les Petits Fumeurs Pris Sur Le Fait
André Dargelas
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: French les Petits Fumeurs Pris Sur Le Fait
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
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Paul Mathey - French fille En Matelot 
Paul Mathey
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: French fille En Matelot 
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
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Giuseppe Magni - Italian happy Moments
Giuseppe Magni
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Italian happy Moments
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
15 auction results
William Edward Norton - American looking Out To Sea
William Edward Norton
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: American looking Out To Sea
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
18 auction results
Guillaume Seignac - French la Belgique, La France Et L\'Angleterre Devant L\'Invasion Allemande
Guillaume Seignac
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: French la Belgique, La France Et L'Angleterre Devant L'Invasion Allemande
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
61 auction results
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Vittorio Reggianini
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Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
53 auction results
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Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
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Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
7 auction results
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Title: Italian new Friends
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
4 auction results
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Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
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Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
15 auction results
Eugène Galien-Laloue - French place De La Bastille
Eugène Galien-Laloue
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: French place De La Bastille
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
282 auction results
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Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
254 auction results
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Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: German die Amalfiküste (The Amalfi Coast)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
116 auction results
Delphin Enjolras - French nu Etendu Au Bouquet De Roses
Delphin Enjolras
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: French nu Etendu Au Bouquet De Roses
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
91 auction results
Paul Sieffert - French nu A La Peau De Bete
Paul Sieffert
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: French nu A La Peau De Bete
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
80 auction results
Léon-François Comerre - French danae
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Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: French danae
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
30 auction results
François Martin-Kavel - French jeune Femme En Deshabille
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Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: French jeune Femme En Deshabille
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
9 auction results
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Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: French la Baigneuse
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
57 auction results
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Title: French le Combat, Souvenir Des Pyrenees
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
14 auction results
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Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: German pferde Auf Der Weide (Arabian Horses At Pasture)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
23 auction results
Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot - French jeune Femme A La Fontaine
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Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: French jeune Femme A La Fontaine
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
515 auction results
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Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Italian the Campiello And The Church Of The Abbey Of Misericordia, Venice; A Pair
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
45 auction results
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Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Italian the Rialto & San Marco, Venice; A Pair
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
56 auction results
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Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Czech the Doge'S Palace And The Campanile, Venice
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
179 auction results
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Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Italian view Of The Lagoon, Venice
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
9 auction results
Friedrich Von Amerling - Austrian joseph Amerling Als Knabe (The Artist\'S Brother)
Friedrich Von Amerling
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Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
15 auction results
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Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
86 auction results
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Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
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Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
4 auction results
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Title: German das Sonntagsmützchen (Sunday Best)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
44 auction results
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Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
17 auction results
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Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
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Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
12 auction results
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Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
4 auction results
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Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
15 auction results
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Carl Rottmann
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
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Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
37 auction results
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Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
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Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
4 auction results
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Wlodzimierz Tetmajer
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Polish orka, Wiosna (Ploughing, Spring)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
2 auction results
Bohdan Von Kleczynski - Polish resting Cossaks
Bohdan Von Kleczynski
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Polish resting Cossaks
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
9 auction results
Wilhelm Kuhnert - German büffel An Einer Wasserstelle In Der Savanne (A Water Buffalo At A Watering Hole In The Savannah)
Wilhelm Kuhnert
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: German büffel An Einer Wasserstelle In Der Savanne (A Water Buffalo At A Watering Hole In The Savannah)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
171 auction results
Count Mihaly Von Zichy - Hungarian romantic Encounter
Count Mihaly Von Zichy
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Hungarian romantic Encounter
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
56 auction results
Lesser Ury - German feldarbeiter In Thüringen (Workers In A Field, Thüringen)
Lesser Ury
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: German feldarbeiter In Thüringen (Workers In A Field, Thüringen)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
288 auction results
Anton Romako - Austrian ungarischer Bauernhof (Hungarian Farm)
Anton Romako
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Austrian ungarischer Bauernhof (Hungarian Farm)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
6 auction results
Carl Gustav Carus - German ruine Eldena Mit Hütte Bei Greifswald Im Mondschein (Ruins Of The Eldena Monastery, Greifswald)
Carl Gustav Carus
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: German ruine Eldena Mit Hütte Bei Greifswald Im Mondschein (Ruins Of The Eldena Monastery, Greifswald)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
30 auction results
Otto Pippel - German potsdamer Platz, Berlin
Otto Pippel
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: German potsdamer Platz, Berlin
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
165 auction results
Charles Atamian - Armenian looking Out To Sea
Charles Atamian
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Armenian looking Out To Sea
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
26 auction results
Julian Falat - Polish royal Hill, Krakow
Julian Falat
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Polish royal Hill, Krakow
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
5 auction results
Carl Ludwig Fahrbach - German bremer Ratshaus (The Town Hall, Bremen)
Carl Ludwig Fahrbach
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: German bremer Ratshaus (The Town Hall, Bremen)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
7 auction results
Hans Gude - Norwegian fra Balestrand (View From Balestrand)
Hans Gude
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Norwegian fra Balestrand (View From Balestrand)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
12 auction results
Ole Ring - Danish nakskov Havn (Nakskov Harbour)
Ole Ring
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Danish nakskov Havn (Nakskov Harbour)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
34 auction results
Rudolf Von Alt - Austrian ansicht Von Salzburg (View Of Salzburg)
Rudolf Von Alt
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Austrian ansicht Von Salzburg (View Of Salzburg)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
56 auction results
Adelsteen Normann - Norwegian fjord Landskap (Fjord Landscape)
Adelsteen Normann
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Norwegian fjord Landskap (Fjord Landscape)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
51 auction results
Johan Christian Dahl - Norwegian skogstudie Fra Grosser Haven I Dresden (The Grosser Garten, Dresden)
Johan Christian Dahl
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Norwegian skogstudie Fra Grosser Haven I Dresden (The Grosser Garten, Dresden)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
60 auction results
Simon Simonsen - Danish på Vej Til Heste Marked (Going To The Horse Fair)
Simon Simonsen
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Danish på Vej Til Heste Marked (Going To The Horse Fair)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
45 auction results
Bruno Liljefors - Swedish rävjakt (Fox Hunting)
Bruno Liljefors
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Swedish rävjakt (Fox Hunting)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
365 auction results
Carl Holsøe - Danish kvinde Der Sidder I Dagligstuen (Lady Seated In A Drawing Room Interior)
Carl Holsøe
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Danish kvinde Der Sidder I Dagligstuen (Lady Seated In A Drawing Room Interior)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
116 auction results
William Henriksen - Danish interiør (Interior)
William Henriksen
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Danish interiør (Interior)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
15 auction results
Johan Laurentz Jensen - Danish blåregn Med Roser, Liljer Og Sommer Blomster I En Kurv (Wisteria With Roses, Lilies And Summer Flowers In A Basket)
Johan Laurentz Jensen
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Danish blåregn Med Roser, Liljer Og Sommer Blomster I En Kurv (Wisteria With Roses, Lilies And Summer Flowers In A Basket)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
93 auction results
Otto Ottesen - Danish still Life Med Blomster (Still Life With Flowers)
Otto Ottesen
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Danish still Life Med Blomster (Still Life With Flowers)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
16 auction results
Wilhelm Trübner - German ludgate Hill, London
Wilhelm Trübner
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: German ludgate Hill, London
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
66 auction results
Paul Fischer - Danish højbro Plads, Copenhagen
Paul Fischer
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Danish højbro Plads, Copenhagen
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
144 auction results
Harald Slott-Møller - Danish på Sejltur Ved Jordene Omkring Sostrup Slot, Gjerrild (Boating In The Grounds Of Sostrup Castle, Gjerrild)
Harald Slott-Møller
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Danish på Sejltur Ved Jordene Omkring Sostrup Slot, Gjerrild (Boating In The Grounds Of Sostrup Castle, Gjerrild)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
32 auction results
Peder Mønsted - Danish forårsdag Vid Sæby (Spring In Sæby)
Peder Mønsted
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Danish forårsdag Vid Sæby (Spring In Sæby)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
304 auction results
Helene Schjerfbeck - Finnish inez, En Face
Helene Schjerfbeck
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Finnish inez, En Face
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
154 auction results
Frits Thaulow - Norwegian fra Quimperlé I Bretagne (Quimperlé, Bretagne)
Frits Thaulow
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Norwegian fra Quimperlé I Bretagne (Quimperlé, Bretagne)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
85 auction results
Albert Schwendy - German der Marktplatz, Leipzig (The Market Square, Leipzig)
Albert Schwendy
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: German der Marktplatz, Leipzig (The Market Square, Leipzig)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
7 auction results
Carl Larsson - Swedish esbjörn
Carl Larsson
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Swedish esbjörn
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
237 auction results
Christian Krohg - Norwegian leif Eriksson Oppdager Amerika (Leif Eriksson Discovers America)
Christian Krohg
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Norwegian leif Eriksson Oppdager Amerika (Leif Eriksson Discovers America)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
14 auction results
Leander Engström - Swedish trädgårdsmästare Vid Fruktodling (Orchard With Workers And Mountains)
Leander Engström
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Swedish trädgårdsmästare Vid Fruktodling (Orchard With Workers And Mountains)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
53 auction results
Arne Kavli - Norwegian landskap Med Norsk Flagg (Landscape With Norwegian Flag)
Arne Kavli
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Norwegian landskap Med Norsk Flagg (Landscape With Norwegian Flag)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
13 auction results
Edvard Munch - Norwegian to På Vei Mot Skogen (Couple On The Path To The Forest)
Edvard Munch
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Norwegian to På Vei Mot Skogen (Couple On The Path To The Forest)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
587 auction results
Lotte Laserstein - German abend Über Potsdam (Evening Over Potsdam)
Lotte Laserstein
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: German abend Über Potsdam (Evening Over Potsdam)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
247 auction results
Martinus Rørbye - Danish i Klosteret, Palermo (In The Cloister, Palermo)
Martinus Rørbye
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Danish i Klosteret, Palermo (In The Cloister, Palermo)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
28 auction results
José María Sert - Spanish dama Sentada Sobre Barandilla (On The Balcony)
José María Sert
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Spanish dama Sentada Sobre Barandilla (On The Balcony)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
55 auction results
Eliseo Meifrén - Spanish marina Con Barco (Seascape With Sailing Boat)
Eliseo Meifrén
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Spanish marina Con Barco (Seascape With Sailing Boat)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
19 auction results
Fernando Alvarez De Sotomayor - Spanish salida De Misa En Jornes (Leaving Mass, Jornes)
Fernando Alvarez De Sotomayor
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Spanish salida De Misa En Jornes (Leaving Mass, Jornes)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
7 auction results
José Mongrell - Spanish galanteo Valenciano (Valencian Scene)
José Mongrell
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Spanish galanteo Valenciano (Valencian Scene)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
10 auction results
Raimundo De Madrazo Y Garreta - Spanish aline Con Tocado De Flores (Aline At Her Toilette)
Raimundo De Madrazo Y Garreta
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Spanish aline Con Tocado De Flores (Aline At Her Toilette)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
45 auction results
José Gallegos - Spanish interior De Iglesia (Church Interior)
José Gallegos
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Spanish interior De Iglesia (Church Interior)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
32 auction results
Franz Richard Unterberger - Austrian manderaggio In La Valletta, Malta
Franz Richard Unterberger
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Austrian manderaggio In La Valletta, Malta
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
92 auction results
Manuel García Y Rodríguez - Spanish jardín Del Real Alcázar De Sevilla (Real Alcázar Garden, Seville)
Manuel García Y Rodríguez
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Spanish jardín Del Real Alcázar De Sevilla (Real Alcázar Garden, Seville)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
25 auction results
Daniel Hernández - Peruvian muchacha Con Pato (The Duck Girl)
Daniel Hernández
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Peruvian muchacha Con Pato (The Duck Girl)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
7 auction results
Joaquín Sorolla - Spanish dia De Tempestad, Valencia (Approaching Storm, Valencia)
Joaquín Sorolla
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Spanish dia De Tempestad, Valencia (Approaching Storm, Valencia)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
130 auction results
Hermenegildo Anglada-Camarasa - Spanish flores (Flowers)
Hermenegildo Anglada-Camarasa
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Spanish flores (Flowers)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
44 auction results
Valentín De Zubiaurre - Spanish florero De Ondárroa (The Ondarroan Flower Vase)
Valentín De Zubiaurre
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Spanish florero De Ondárroa (The Ondarroan Flower Vase)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
5 auction results
Mariano Barbasán Lagueruela - Spanish calle In Un Pueblo (Village Street Scene)
Mariano Barbasán Lagueruela
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Spanish calle In Un Pueblo (Village Street Scene)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
13 auction results
Rafael Durancamps - Spanish san Lorenzo Del Escorial
Rafael Durancamps
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Spanish san Lorenzo Del Escorial
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
11 auction results
Santiago Rusiñol - Spanish jardín De Las Elegías, Son Moragues, Valldemosa (Garden Of The Elegies, Son Moragues, Valldemosa)
Santiago Rusiñol
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Spanish jardín De Las Elegías, Son Moragues, Valldemosa (Garden Of The Elegies, Son Moragues, Valldemosa)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
33 auction results
Joaquín Mir - Spanish la Llegada Del Pescado, Vilanova (The Day\'S Catch, Vilanova)
Joaquín Mir
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Spanish la Llegada Del Pescado, Vilanova (The Day'S Catch, Vilanova)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
30 auction results
Benjamín Palencia - Spanish paisaje Con Campesinos (Landscape With Peasants)
Benjamín Palencia
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Spanish paisaje Con Campesinos (Landscape With Peasants)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
14 auction results
Darío De Regoyos - Spanish orangers, Valencia
Darío De Regoyos
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Spanish orangers, Valencia
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
23 auction results
A. Chotka - Austrian figural Bronze Table Lamp, Man With A Donkey
A. Chotka
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Austrian figural Bronze Table Lamp, Man With A Donkey
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
9 auction results
Alfred Dubucand - French homme Au Chameau (The Camel Rider)
Alfred Dubucand
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: French homme Au Chameau (The Camel Rider)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
14 auction results
Gaston Leroux - French femme Au Tambourin Assise Sur Une Tete De Sphinx
Gaston Leroux
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: French femme Au Tambourin Assise Sur Une Tete De Sphinx
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
16 auction results
Antoine Bofill - Spanish soldier On A Rearing Horse
Antoine Bofill
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Spanish soldier On A Rearing Horse
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
10 auction results
Otto Pilny - Swiss exotic Beauty
Otto Pilny
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Swiss exotic Beauty
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
78 auction results
Lovis Corinth - German rosenstillleben (Still Life With Roses)
Lovis Corinth
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: German rosenstillleben (Still Life With Roses)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
442 auction results
Alberto Fabbi - Italian odalisques
Alberto Fabbi
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Italian odalisques
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
5 auction results
Jean François Portaels - Belgian the Slave Market
Jean François Portaels
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Belgian the Slave Market
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
19 auction results
Enrique Serra - Spanish on The Terrace
Enrique Serra
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Spanish on The Terrace
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
9 auction results
Filippo Baratti - Italian in The Harem
Filippo Baratti
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Italian in The Harem
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
5 auction results
Nathaniel Sichel - German judith
Nathaniel Sichel
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: German judith
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
8 auction results
Leopold Carl Müller - Austrian an Innocent Smile
Leopold Carl Müller
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Austrian an Innocent Smile
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
29 auction results
Niels Simonsen - Dan isharab Warrior And His Steed
Niels Simonsen
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Dan isharab Warrior And His Steed
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
24 auction results
Franz Xaver Kosler - Austrian the Elder
Franz Xaver Kosler
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Austrian the Elder
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
21 auction results
Franz Würbel - Austrian taking A Drink
Franz Würbel
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Austrian taking A Drink
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
8 auction results
Paul Pascal - French oases At Night; A Pair
Paul Pascal
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: French oases At Night; A Pair
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
15 auction results
Carl Werner - German the Coffee House
Carl Werner
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: German the Coffee House
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
43 auction results
Alberto Rosati - Italian the Rug Merchant
Alberto Rosati
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Italian the Rug Merchant
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
7 auction results
Rudolf Ernst - Austrian the Juggler
Rudolf Ernst
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Austrian the Juggler
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
151 auction results
Narcisse Virgile Diaz De La Peña - French collation En Orient & La Sorciere; A Pair
Narcisse Virgile Diaz De La Peña
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: French collation En Orient & La Sorciere; A Pair
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
243 auction results
Maria Melania Mutermilch - Polish seated Girl
Maria Melania Mutermilch
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Polish seated Girl
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
113 auction results
Robert Kemm - British admiring The Painting
Robert Kemm
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: British admiring The Painting
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
15 auction results
Fabio Fabbi - Italian oriental Dance
Fabio Fabbi
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Italian oriental Dance
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
83 auction results
Daniel Israel - Austrian at The Well
Daniel Israel
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Austrian at The Well
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
16 auction results
Fausto Zonaro - Italian sunset Over The Bosphorus
Fausto Zonaro
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Italian sunset Over The Bosphorus
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
58 auction results
Félix Ziem - French la Fontaine Mihrishah
Félix Ziem
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: French la Fontaine Mihrishah
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
228 auction results
Ladislaus Von Czachorski - Polish the Blossom Of Youth
Ladislaus Von Czachorski
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Polish the Blossom Of Youth
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
14 auction results
Charles Sprague Pearce - American a Pottery Seller In Old Cairo
Charles Sprague Pearce
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: American a Pottery Seller In Old Cairo
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
23 auction results
John Varley Ii - British the Mosque Of Khair Bek, Cairo
John Varley Ii
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: British the Mosque Of Khair Bek, Cairo
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
21 auction results
Numa Marzocchi De Bellucci - Frenchgardien Assis, Tenan t Un Fusil
Numa Marzocchi De Bellucci
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Frenchgardien Assis, Tenan t Un Fusil
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
5 auction results
Walter Gould - American the Fabric Merchant
Walter Gould
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: American the Fabric Merchant
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
3 auction results
Ernst Koerner - German the Temple Of Karnak At Luxor
Ernst Koerner
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: German the Temple Of Karnak At Luxor
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
29 auction results
Auguste Veillon - Swissthe Temple Of Philae, Aswan
Auguste Veillon
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Swissthe Temple Of Philae, Aswan
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
33 auction results
Giulio Rosati - Italian a Successful Raid
Giulio Rosati
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Italian a Successful Raid
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
84 auction results
Eugène Girardet - French flight Into Egypt
Eugène Girardet
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: French flight Into Egypt
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
62 auction results
David Bates - British the Road To The Pyramids
David Bates
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: British the Road To The Pyramids
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
65 auction results
Hermann Corrodi - Italian on The Banks Of The Nile
Hermann Corrodi
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Italian on The Banks Of The Nile
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
148 auction results
Charles Wilda - German the Watercarriers, Uchemant
Charles Wilda
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: German the Watercarriers, Uchemant
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
31 auction results
Heinrich Schopin - German lion Surprising An Arab Family
Heinrich Schopin
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: German lion Surprising An Arab Family
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
8 auction results
Hans Makart - Austrian selbstbildnis (Self-Portrait)
Hans Makart
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Austrian selbstbildnis (Self-Portrait)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
14 auction results
Julius Berger - Austrian entertaining The Pasha
Julius Berger
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Austrian entertaining The Pasha
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
5 auction results
Ferdinand Max Bredt - German reclining Odalisque
Ferdinand Max Bredt
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: German reclining Odalisque
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
17 auction results
Jean-Léon Gérôme - French femmes Au Bain
Jean-Léon Gérôme
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: French femmes Au Bain
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
168 auction results
Vincent Stiepevich - Russian the Serenade
Vincent Stiepevich
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Russian the Serenade
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
22 auction results
Alberto Pasini - Italian cavalry Before A Mosque
Alberto Pasini
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Italian cavalry Before A Mosque
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
104 auction results
Adolph Von Menzel - German alexander Friedrich (Fritz) Werner 
Adolph Von Menzel
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: German alexander Friedrich (Fritz) Werner 
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
219 auction results
Carle Vernet - French un Mameluk Entrainant Son Cheval, Une Citadelle A L\'Arriere-Plan 
Carle Vernet
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: French un Mameluk Entrainant Son Cheval, Une Citadelle A L'Arriere-Plan 
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
26 auction results
Théodore Chassériau - French jeune Fille Mauresque, Assise Dans Un Riche Intérieur (Almée)
Théodore Chassériau
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: French jeune Fille Mauresque, Assise Dans Un Riche Intérieur (Almée)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
35 auction results
Frederick Arthur Bridgman - American in The Souk, Tunis
Frederick Arthur Bridgman
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: American in The Souk, Tunis
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
166 auction results
Conrad Peter Schreiber - German evening Prayer
Conrad Peter Schreiber
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: German evening Prayer
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
10 auction results
Narcisse Berchère - Frenchcaravan e Dans Le Desert
Narcisse Berchère
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: Frenchcaravan e Dans Le Desert
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
29 auction results
Edmund Berninger - German the Desert Caravan
Edmund Berninger
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: German the Desert Caravan
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
17 auction results
Henri Rousseau - French le Caïd Marocain Et Son Escorte
Henri Rousseau
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: French le Caïd Marocain Et Son Escorte
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
52 auction results
Adolf Schreyer - German arab Scouts On Horseback
Adolf Schreyer
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: German arab Scouts On Horseback
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
113 auction results
Anselm Feuerbach - German pfingstrosen (Still Life With Peonies)
Anselm Feuerbach
Auction: 2. Jun - 2. Jun 2010
Title: German pfingstrosen (Still Life With Peonies)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Sothebys
29 auction results