Lee Kit
Found at
Hong Kong
First Open | Hong Kong, Lot 89
29.Mrz - 29.Mrz.2018
First Open | Hong Kong, Lot 89
29.Mrz - 29.Mrz.2018
Estimate: XX.XXX
Price realised: XX.XXX
Price realised: XX.XXX
acrylic, emulsion paint, lazer-jet ink on cardboard; lights; acrylic, emulsion paint, heat-melt glue and inkjet ink on cardboard; plastic container
Dimensions variable, painting: (left) 59 x 46 cm. (23 1/4 x 18 1/8 in.), (right) 67.5 x 48.5 cm. (26 5/8 x 19 1/8 in.)
Executed in 2012
Vitamin Creative Space, Guangzhou, China | Private Collection, USA | The work is accompanied by a certificate signed by the artist.
Dimensions variable, painting: (left) 59 x 46 cm. (23 1/4 x 18 1/8 in.), (right) 67.5 x 48.5 cm. (26 5/8 x 19 1/8 in.)
Executed in 2012
Vitamin Creative Space, Guangzhou, China | Private Collection, USA | The work is accompanied by a certificate signed by the artist.
Auction result well in line with expectations
The work you.' by Lee Kit was sold in the First Open | Hong Kong auction at Christies in Hong Kong in March 2018. The price achieved of HKD 187,500.00 (€ 19,389.20) was within expectations - the estimate range had previously been set by the auction house as HKD 150,000.00 – 250,000.00. However, buyers have had to dig much deeper into their pockets for other works by Lee Kit - we have observed the highest auction result to date for the work Johnson's- No More Tears, which sold at auction in March 2015 for HKD 437,500.00 (€ 52,543.99).
Auktionsergebnis im Rahmen der Erwartungen
Die Arbeit you.' von Lee Kit wurde im März 2018 in der Auktion First Open | Hong Kong bei Christies in Hong Kong versteigert. Der dabei erzielte Preis von HKD 187.500,00 (€ 19.389,20) lag im Rahmen der Erwartungen – die Schätzpreisspanne war von dem Auktionshaus zuvor mit HKD 150.000,00 – 250.000,00 angegeben worden. Für andere Arbeiten von Lee Kit mussten die Käufer allerdings auch schon deutlich tiefer in die Tasche greifen – das bisher höchste Auktionsergebnis haben wir für die Arbeit Johnson's- No More Tears beobachtet, die im März 2015 für HKD 437.500,00 (€ 52.543,99) versteigert wurde.