Kiyoshi Hasegawa

Nature Morte à la Colombe Mexicaine

Found at Christies, Paris
Intérieurs, Lot 633
17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Estimate: 2.000 - 3.000 EUR
Price realised: 1.680 EUR
Nature Morte à la Colombe Mexicaine
Mezzotinte, 1966, Epreuve d'Artiste, signée au crayon, dédicacée, timbre sec de l'artiste, marges non ébarbées, salissures, traces d'adhésif sur le bord supérieur droit de la feuille, autrement en bonne condition générale, non examinée hors de son cadre
37,5 x 50 cm. (14¾ x 19¾ in.)

Auction result misses estimated price range

This work of art by Hasegawa Kiyoshi could be acquired at Christies in Paris in October 2006 for an unexpectedly low price. In the Intérieurs auction, the work Nature Morte à la Colombe Mexicaine changed hands for EUR 1,680.00 - missing the lower end of the estimate range of EUR 2,000.00 – 3,000.00. However, buyers have had to dig much deeper into their pockets for other works by Hasegawa Kiyoshi - we have observed the highest auction result to date for the work Ensemble De 2 Gravures Au Burin, which sold at auction in December 2010 for EUR 3,936.00.

Auktionsergebnis verfehlt die Schätzpreisspanne

Dieses Kunstwerk von Hasegawa Kiyoshi konnte im Oktober 2006 bei Christies in Paris für einen unerwartet niedrigen Preis ersteigert werden. In der Auktion Intérieurs wechselte die Arbeit Nature Morte à la Colombe Mexicaine für EUR 1.680,00 den Besitzer – und verfehlte damit das untere Ende der Schätzpreisspanne von EUR 2.000,00 – 3.000,00. Für andere Arbeiten von Hasegawa Kiyoshi mussten die Käufer allerdings auch schon deutlich tiefer in die Tasche greifen – das bisher höchste Auktionsergebnis haben wir für die Arbeit Ensemble De 2 Gravures Au Burin beobachtet, die im Dezember 2010 für EUR 3.936,00 versteigert wurde.

Other artists in this auction

Piet Zwart - NKF. Delft, The Netherlands: N.V. Nederlandische Kabelfabriek, 1928.
Piet Zwart
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: NKF. Delft, The Netherlands: N.V. Nederlandische Kabelfabriek, 1928.
Price: 11.250 GBP
Found at Christies
17 auction results
Shomei Tomatsu - Sengoha -- Après Guerre. Tokyo: Chuo koronsha, 1971.
Shomei Tomatsu
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: Sengoha -- Après Guerre. Tokyo: Chuo koronsha, 1971.
Price: 813 GBP
Found at Christies
18 auction results
Yutaka Takanashi - Toshi-e -- Towards the City. Tokyo: for the author, 1974.
Yutaka Takanashi
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: Toshi-e -- Towards the City. Tokyo: for the author, 1974.
Price: 5.250 GBP
Found at Christies
6 auction results
Alec Soth - Sleeping by the Misssissippi [sic]. Minneapolis: by the photographer, c.2002.
Alec Soth
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: Sleeping by the Misssissippi [sic]. Minneapolis: by the photographer, c.2002.
Price: 11.250 GBP
Found at Christies
130 auction results
Frederick Sommer - Frederick Sommer. 1939-1962. Photographs. New York: Aperture, 1963.
Frederick Sommer
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: Frederick Sommer. 1939-1962. Photographs. New York: Aperture, 1963.
Price: 625 GBP
Found at Christies
132 auction results
Kishin Shinoyama - Hareta Hi -- A Fine Day. Tokyo: Heibon-sha, 1975.
Kishin Shinoyama
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: Hareta Hi -- A Fine Day. Tokyo: Heibon-sha, 1975.
Price: 1.250 GBP
Found at Christies
16 auction results
Lucas Samaras - Samaras Album. Autointerview. Autobiography. Autopolaroid. New York: Whitney Museum of American Art and Pace Editions, 1971.
Lucas Samaras
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: Samaras Album. Autointerview. Autobiography. Autopolaroid. New York: Whitney Museum of American Art and Pace Editions, 1971.
Price: 2.500 GBP
Found at Christies
155 auction results
Ed Ruscha - Thirtyfour Parking Lots in Los Angeles. Los Angeles: for the author, 1967.
Ed Ruscha
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: Thirtyfour Parking Lots in Los Angeles. Los Angeles: for the author, 1967.
Price: 813 GBP
Found at Christies
1,777 auction results
Sophie Ristelhueber - Fait -- Fact. Paris: Hazan, 1992.
Sophie Ristelhueber
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: Fait -- Fact. Paris: Hazan, 1992.
Price: 750 GBP
Found at Christies
4 auction results
Leni Riefenstahl - Schönheit im Olympischen Kampf -- Beauty in the Olympic Games. Berlin: Deutschen Verlag, 1937.
Leni Riefenstahl
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: Schönheit im Olympischen Kampf -- Beauty in the Olympic Games. Berlin: Deutschen Verlag, 1937.
Price: 4.750 GBP
Found at Christies
102 auction results
Eugene Richards - Dorchester Days. [Wollaston, Massachusetts:] Many Voices Press, 1978.
Eugene Richards
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: Dorchester Days. [Wollaston, Massachusetts:] Many Voices Press, 1978.
Price: 750 GBP
Found at Christies
5 auction results
Richard Prince - Adult Comedy Action Drama. New York, Berlin, and Zurich: Scalo, 1995.
Richard Prince
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: Adult Comedy Action Drama. New York, Berlin, and Zurich: Scalo, 1995.
Price: 15.000 GBP
Found at Christies
1,123 auction results
Gilles Peress - Telex Persan -- Telex Iran. Paris: Contrejour, 1984.
Gilles Peress
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: Telex Persan -- Telex Iran. Paris: Contrejour, 1984.
Price: 5.000 GBP
Found at Christies
11 auction results
Roland Penrose - The Road Is Wider Than Long. London: London Gallery Editions, 1939.
Roland Penrose
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: The Road Is Wider Than Long. London: London Gallery Editions, 1939.
Price: 3.500 GBP
Found at Christies
14 auction results
Walter Niedermayr - Reservate des Augenblicks -- Momentary Resorts. Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje Cantz, 1998.
Walter Niedermayr
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: Reservate des Augenblicks -- Momentary Resorts. Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje Cantz, 1998.
Price: 375 GBP
Found at Christies
49 auction results
Daido Moriyama - Shashin yo Sayonara -- Bye Bye Photography. Tokyo: Shashin Hyoron-sha, 1972.
Daido Moriyama
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: Shashin yo Sayonara -- Bye Bye Photography. Tokyo: Shashin Hyoron-sha, 1972.
Price: 3.000 GBP
Found at Christies
237 auction results
Danny Lyon - Pictures from the New World. Millerton, New York: Aperture, 1981.
Danny Lyon
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: Pictures from the New World. Millerton, New York: Aperture, 1981.
Price: 875 GBP
Found at Christies
114 auction results
Sol LeWitt - Autobiography. New York: Multiples Inc. and Lois & Michael K. Torf, 1980.
Sol LeWitt
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: Autobiography. New York: Multiples Inc. and Lois & Michael K. Torf, 1980.
Price: 1.375 GBP
Found at Christies
1,893 auction results
Dorothea Lange - An American Exodus: A Record of Human Erosion. Text by Paul Taylor. New York: Reynald Hitchcock, 1939.
Dorothea Lange
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: An American Exodus: A Record of Human Erosion. Text by Paul Taylor. New York: Reynald Hitchcock, 1939.
Price: 1.188 GBP
Found at Christies
325 auction results
William Klein - Life is Good & Good For You In New York. Trance Witness Revels. Milan: Roto-Sadag [Geneva] for Feltrinelli, 1956.
William Klein
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: Life is Good & Good For You In New York. Trance Witness Revels. Milan: Roto-Sadag [Geneva] for Feltrinelli, 1956.
Price: 875 GBP
Found at Christies
367 auction results
Chris Killip - In Flagrante. London: Secker & Warburg, 1988.
Chris Killip
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: In Flagrante. London: Secker & Warburg, 1988.
Price: 1.500 GBP
Found at Christies
34 auction results
Kikuji Kawada - Chizu -- The Map. Designed by Kohei Sugiura. Tokyo: Bijutsu Shuppan-sha, 1965.
Kikuji Kawada
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: Chizu -- The Map. Designed by Kohei Sugiura. Tokyo: Bijutsu Shuppan-sha, 1965.
Price: 12.500 GBP
Found at Christies
4 auction results
Andreas Gursky - Montparnasse. Frankfurt: Portikus, 1995.
Andreas Gursky
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: Montparnasse. Frankfurt: Portikus, 1995.
Price: 1.250 GBP
Found at Christies
483 auction results
Paul Graham - Beyond Caring. London: Grey Editions, 1986.
Paul Graham
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: Beyond Caring. London: Grey Editions, 1986.
Price: 750 GBP
Found at Christies
45 auction results
Emmet Gowin - Concerning America and Alfred Stieglitz, and Myself. Richmond, Virginia: by the photographer, 1965.
Emmet Gowin
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: Concerning America and Alfred Stieglitz, and Myself. Richmond, Virginia: by the photographer, 1965.
Price: 39.650 GBP
Found at Christies
60 auction results
Ralph Gibson - The Somnambulist. New York: Lustrum Press, 1970.
Ralph Gibson
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: The Somnambulist. New York: Lustrum Press, 1970.
Price: 625 GBP
Found at Christies
105 auction results
Masahisa Fukase - Karasu -- Ravens. Tokyo: Sokyusha, 1986.
Masahisa Fukase
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: Karasu -- Ravens. Tokyo: Sokyusha, 1986.
Price: 3.750 GBP
Found at Christies
23 auction results
Robert Frank - The Americans. Introduction by Jack Kerouac. New York: Grove Press, 1959 [but January 1960].
Robert Frank
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: The Americans. Introduction by Jack Kerouac. New York: Grove Press, 1959 [but January 1960].
Price: 43.250 GBP
Found at Christies
797 auction results
Hans-Peter Feldmann - 12 Postkarten. Cologne: Galerie Paul Maenz, 1974.
Hans-Peter Feldmann
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: 12 Postkarten. Cologne: Galerie Paul Maenz, 1974.
Price: 1.125 GBP
Found at Christies
80 auction results
Walker Evans - Let Us Now Praise Famous Men. Three Tenant Families. Text by James Agee. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1941.
Walker Evans
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: Let Us Now Praise Famous Men. Three Tenant Families. Text by James Agee. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1941.
Price: 1.250 GBP
Found at Christies
663 auction results
Alvin Langdon Coburn - Men of Mark. London and New York: Duckworth & Co, and Mitchell Kennerley, 1913.
Alvin Langdon Coburn
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: Men of Mark. London and New York: Duckworth & Co, and Mitchell Kennerley, 1913.
Price: 3.750 GBP
Found at Christies
74 auction results
Josef Sudek - Praha Panoramaticka -- Prague Panorama. Prague: The State Press for Belles-Lettres, Music and Art, 1959.
Josef Sudek
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: Praha Panoramaticka -- Prague Panorama. Prague: The State Press for Belles-Lettres, Music and Art, 1959.
Price: 4.000 GBP
Found at Christies
374 auction results
György Lörinczy - New York, New York. Budapest: Magyar Helikon, 1972.
György Lörinczy
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: New York, New York. Budapest: Magyar Helikon, 1972.
Price: 1.250 GBP
Found at Christies
2 auction results
François Kollar - 25 photos de Kollar. Bellegarde: Sadag, 1934.
François Kollar
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: 25 photos de Kollar. Bellegarde: Sadag, 1934.
Price: 375 GBP
Found at Christies
22 auction results
Andre Kertesz - Day of Paris. New York: J.J. Augustin, 1945.
Andre Kertesz
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: Day of Paris. New York: J.J. Augustin, 1945.
Price: 1.750 GBP
Found at Christies
955 auction results
Miroslav Hak - Ocima. Svet kolem nas -- Through the Eyes. The World Around Us. Prague: Cs.F.N., 1947.
Miroslav Hak
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: Ocima. Svet kolem nas -- Through the Eyes. The World Around Us. Prague: Cs.F.N., 1947.
Price: 875 GBP
Found at Christies
3 auction results
Karel Hajek - Norimberk -- Nuremberg. Prague: Neubert, 1946.
Karel Hajek
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: Norimberk -- Nuremberg. Prague: Neubert, 1946.
Price: 625 GBP
Found at Christies
2 auction results
Frantisek Drtikol - Zena ve Svetle -- Woman in Light. Prague: E. Beaufort, 1930.
Frantisek Drtikol
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: Zena ve Svetle -- Woman in Light. Prague: E. Beaufort, 1930.
Price: 3.500 GBP
Found at Christies
146 auction results
Brassaï - Paris de Nuit -- Paris by Night. Introduction by Paul Morand. Paris: Arts et Métiers Graphiques, 1933.
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: Paris de Nuit -- Paris by Night. Introduction by Paul Morand. Paris: Arts et Métiers Graphiques, 1933.
Price: 2.125 GBP
Found at Christies
549 auction results
Chargesheimer - Köln 5 Uhr 30 - Cologne 5:30. Cologne: DuMont Schauberg, 1970.
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: Köln 5 Uhr 30 - Cologne 5:30. Cologne: DuMont Schauberg, 1970.
Price: 1.188 GBP
Found at Christies
26 auction results
Henri Cartier-Bresson - Images à la sauvette -- The Decisive Moment. Paris: Verve, 1952.
Henri Cartier-Bresson
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: Images à la sauvette -- The Decisive Moment. Paris: Verve, 1952.
Price: 13.750 GBP
Found at Christies
1,568 auction results
Alexey Brodovitch - Ballet. New York: J.J. Augustin, 1945.
Alexey Brodovitch
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: Ballet. New York: J.J. Augustin, 1945.
Price: 4.750 GBP
Found at Christies
12 auction results
Karl Blossfeldt - Wunder in der Natur -- Wonder in Nature. Leipzig: H. Schmidt & C. Günther, 1942.
Karl Blossfeldt
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: Wunder in der Natur -- Wonder in Nature. Leipzig: H. Schmidt & C. Günther, 1942.
Price: 1.375 GBP
Found at Christies
62 auction results
John Baldessari - A Sentence of Thirteen Parts (with Twelve Alternate Verbs) Ending in Fable. Hamburg: Anatol AV und Filmproduktion, 1977.
John Baldessari
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: A Sentence of Thirteen Parts (with Twelve Alternate Verbs) Ending in Fable. Hamburg: Anatol AV und Filmproduktion, 1977.
Price: 2.750 GBP
Found at Christies
615 auction results
Nobuyoshi Araki - ABCD. New York: PPP Editions, 2003.
Nobuyoshi Araki
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: ABCD. New York: PPP Editions, 2003.
Price: 8.125 GBP
Found at Christies
617 auction results
Richard Avedon - An Autobiography. New York: Random House, 1993.
Richard Avedon
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: An Autobiography. New York: Random House, 1993.
Price: 4.750 GBP
Found at Christies
636 auction results
Laure Albin-Guillot - Micrographie décorative. Paris: Draeger Frères, 1931.
Laure Albin-Guillot
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: Micrographie décorative. Paris: Draeger Frères, 1931.
Price: 3.750 GBP
Found at Christies
32 auction results
Hans Aarsman - Hollandse Taferelen -- Dutch Tableaux. Amsterdam: Fragment, 1989.
Hans Aarsman
Auction: 21. May - 21. May 2010
Title: Hollandse Taferelen -- Dutch Tableaux. Amsterdam: Fragment, 1989.
Price: 875 GBP
Found at Christies
4 auction results
Emile Gilioli - Sans titre
Emile Gilioli
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Sans titre
Price: 1.920 EUR
Found at Christies
104 auction results
Jean Dewasne - Motifs géométriques et pochoir
Jean Dewasne
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Motifs géométriques et pochoir
Price: 3.480 EUR
Found at Christies
82 auction results
Nicolas Schoffer - Sans titre
Nicolas Schoffer
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Sans titre
Price: 168 EUR
Found at Christies
36 auction results
Jean Piaubert - Composition fantastique
Jean Piaubert
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Composition fantastique
Price: 192 EUR
Found at Christies
25 auction results
Max Papart - Air matinal
Max Papart
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Air matinal
Price: 1.200 EUR
Found at Christies
93 auction results
Yerassimos Sklavos - Sans titre
Yerassimos Sklavos
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Sans titre
Price: 1.080 EUR
Found at Christies
3 auction results
Alexandre Istrati - Sans titre
Alexandre Istrati
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Sans titre
Price: 312 EUR
Found at Christies
196 auction results
Natalia Dumitresco - Sans titre
Natalia Dumitresco
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Sans titre
Price: 108 EUR
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293 auction results
John Coplans - Sans titre
John Coplans
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Sans titre
Price: 960 EUR
Found at Christies
65 auction results
Riccardo Scarpa - Christ
Riccardo Scarpa
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Christ
Price: 120 EUR
Found at Christies
7 auction results
Roger Bezombes - Poisson
Roger Bezombes
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Poisson
Price: 240 EUR
Found at Christies
15 auction results
Maurice Prost - Canard
Maurice Prost
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Canard
Price: 1.500 EUR
Found at Christies
3 auction results
Maurice Fleury - Crucifixion
Maurice Fleury
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Crucifixion
Price: 6 EUR
Found at Christies
5 auction results
Jean Bertholle - La fenêtre
Jean Bertholle
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: La fenêtre
Price: 504 EUR
Found at Christies
20 auction results
Claude Bouscau - Maternité
Claude Bouscau
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Maternité
Price: 2 EUR
Found at Christies
3 auction results
Rodolphe Caillaux - Poisson
Rodolphe Caillaux
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Poisson
Price: 168 EUR
Found at Christies
4 auction results
Benejou Rabinowicz - Petit âne
Benejou Rabinowicz
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Petit âne
Price: 216 EUR
Found at Christies
3 auction results
Constant - Le Marabout
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Le Marabout
Price: 18 EUR
Found at Christies
148 auction results
Andre Masson - Allégorie des Arts
Andre Masson
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Allégorie des Arts
Price: 1.800 EUR
Found at Christies
734 auction results
Pablo Picasso - Petit soleil
Pablo Picasso
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Petit soleil
Price: 840 EUR
Found at Christies
21,576 auction results
Andre Jacquemin - Tête de petit garçon
Andre Jacquemin
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Tête de petit garçon
Price: 840 EUR
Found at Christies
3 auction results
Michel Lablais - Trois femmes à la plage
Michel Lablais
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Trois femmes à la plage
Price: 312 EUR
Found at Christies
4 auction results
Antoniucci Volti - Deux jeunes femmes nues, allongées
Antoniucci Volti
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Deux jeunes femmes nues, allongées
Price: 900 EUR
Found at Christies
65 auction results
Raymond Martin - Couple nu allongé dans un lit
Raymond Martin
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Couple nu allongé dans un lit
Price: 1.440 EUR
Found at Christies
4 auction results
Hubert Yencesse - Femme nue, allongée
Hubert Yencesse
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Femme nue, allongée
Price: 216 EUR
Found at Christies
3 auction results
Zygmund Landau - Portrait d\'une jeune femme
Zygmund Landau
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Portrait d'une jeune femme
Price: 3.360 EUR
Found at Christies
7 auction results
Marcel Dyf - Portrait de femme en buste
Marcel Dyf
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Portrait de femme en buste
Price: 360 EUR
Found at Christies
286 auction results
Louise D\'Aussy Pintaud - Jeune fille à la poupée
Louise D'Aussy Pintaud
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Jeune fille à la poupée
Price: 720 EUR
Found at Christies
2 auction results
Mai Trung Thu - La prière
Mai Trung Thu
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: La prière
Price: 10.200 EUR
Found at Christies
361 auction results
Michel Georges-Michel - Gondolier devant Venise; Le Pont Rialto; et Le Carnaval
Michel Georges-Michel
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Gondolier devant Venise; Le Pont Rialto; et Le Carnaval
Price: 72 EUR
Found at Christies
4 auction results
Serge Ponomarew - Nature morte aux poires et raisins
Serge Ponomarew
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Nature morte aux poires et raisins
Price: 132 EUR
Found at Christies
3 auction results
Leon Detroy - Nature morte aux pommes
Leon Detroy
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Nature morte aux pommes
Price: 720 EUR
Found at Christies
9 auction results
Paule Gobillard - Coupe de fleurs
Paule Gobillard
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Coupe de fleurs
Price: 960 EUR
Found at Christies
5 auction results
Paul Belmondo - Paysage
Paul Belmondo
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Paysage
Price: 120 EUR
Found at Christies
5 auction results
Julio Resende - Clairière dans une forêt
Julio Resende
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Clairière dans une forêt
Price: 1.680 EUR
Found at Christies
2 auction results
Georges-Philibert-Charles Maroniez - Paysage de bord de mer
Georges-Philibert-Charles Maroniez
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Paysage de bord de mer
Price: 300 EUR
Found at Christies
7 auction results
Paul-Charles-Emmanuel Gallard-Lepinay - Bords de Seine en été
Paul-Charles-Emmanuel Gallard-Lepinay
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Bords de Seine en été
Price: 7.800 EUR
Found at Christies
6 auction results
Denis-Pierre Bergeret - Panier de fleurs et de fruits
Denis-Pierre Bergeret
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Panier de fleurs et de fruits
Price: 1.140 EUR
Found at Christies
7 auction results
Gilbert Poillerat - Chats endormis
Gilbert Poillerat
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Chats endormis
Price: 264 EUR
Found at Christies
4 auction results
Felix Labisse - Personnage fantastique
Felix Labisse
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Personnage fantastique
Price: 24 EUR
Found at Christies
103 auction results
Jean Carzou - Opéra III
Jean Carzou
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Opéra III
Price: 84 EUR
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46 auction results
Hans Bellmer - Femmes au Miroir
Hans Bellmer
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Femmes au Miroir
Price: 72 EUR
Found at Christies
374 auction results
Henri Georges Adam - Anse de la Torche
Henri Georges Adam
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Anse de la Torche
Price: 60 EUR
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5 auction results
Anthoni Waterloo - Paysage animé avec une Chaumière
Anthoni Waterloo
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Paysage animé avec une Chaumière
Price: 114 EUR
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57 auction results
Adrien van de Velde - Chèvres
Adrien van de Velde
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Chèvres
Price: 72 EUR
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41 auction results
Philibert-Louis Debucourt - La Femme et le Mari ou Les Epoux à la Mode et Les petits Messieurs ou les Adolescents à la Mode
Philibert-Louis Debucourt
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: La Femme et le Mari ou Les Epoux à la Mode et Les petits Messieurs ou les Adolescents à la Mode
Price: 36 EUR
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21 auction results
Karel Dujardin - Bouc et Moutons
Karel Dujardin
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Bouc et Moutons
Price: 72 EUR
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30 auction results
Etienne Bouchardy - Homme de profil
Etienne Bouchardy
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Homme de profil
Price: 12 EUR
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4 auction results
Charlotte Perriand - Suite de Six Chaises, Le Modele Cree En 1939
Charlotte Perriand
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Suite de Six Chaises, Le Modele Cree En 1939
Price: 2.400 EUR
Found at Christies
24 auction results
Edouard Sandoz - Bequille de Serrure de Porte \'Perruche\', 1938
Edouard Sandoz
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Bequille de Serrure de Porte 'Perruche', 1938
Price: 4.800 EUR
Found at Christies
18 auction results
Max Leverrier - Lion marchant
Max Leverrier
Auction: 17. Oct - 18. Oct 2006
Title: Lion marchant
Price: 1.800 EUR
Found at Christies
2 auction results