Jun Hasegawa

Red Square Painting.

Found at VAN HAM
Contemporary Curated | ONLINE ONLY, Lot 65
16. Mar - 16. Mar 2023
Estimate: 400 - 600 EUR
Price realised: 858 EUR
Datierung: 2001/02.
Technik: Farbserigrafie. Kaschiert auf Aluminium. Unter Acryl.
Darstellungsmaß: 120,5 x 120,5cm.
Bezeichnung: Signiert, datiert und nummeriert.
Exemplar: 8/8.
Sammlung Prof. Dr. Olbricht, Essen

Upper estimate price exceeded by 43 %.

The work Red Square Painting. by Hasegawa Jun was sold in the Contemporary Curated | ONLINE ONLY auction at VAN HAM in March this year. The »bidding war« ended at EUR 858.00 43% above the upper estimate. Of course, this price has nothing to do with the top prices that other works by Hasegawa Jun achieve. The highest price we have observed so far was reached by the work without title in November 2007 with an auction result of HKD 343,500.00 (€ 30,028.19).

Oberer Schätzpreis um 43 % übertroffen

Die Arbeit Red Square Painting. von Hasegawa Jun wurde im März diesen Jahres in der Auktion Contemporary Curated | ONLINE ONLY bei VAN HAM versteigert. Das »Bietergefecht« endete beim Preis von EUR 858,00 und damit 43% über dem oberen Schätzpreis. Dieser Preis hat freilich nichts mit den Spitzenpreisen zu tun, die andere Arbeiten von Hasegawa Jun erzielen. Den höchsten von uns bisher beobachteten Preis erreichte die Arbeit ohne Titel im November 2007 mit einem Auktionsergebnis von HKD 343.500,00 (€ 30.028,19).

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Price: not available
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Price: not available
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Found at VAN HAM
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7 auction results
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Price: not available
Found at VAN HAM
78 auction results
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Price: not available
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26 auction results
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Price: not available
Found at VAN HAM
14 auction results
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Auction: 16. Mar - 16. Mar 2023
Title: Ohne Titel.
Price: not available
Found at VAN HAM
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Found at VAN HAM
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Price: 2.904 EUR
Found at VAN HAM
38 auction results
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Price: 1.056 EUR
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Found at VAN HAM
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Found at VAN HAM
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Found at VAN HAM
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Rachel Goodyear
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Price: 726 EUR
Found at VAN HAM
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Title: Katze.
Price: 1.190 EUR
Found at VAN HAM
184 auction results
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Title: Ohne Titel.
Price: 6.336 EUR
Found at VAN HAM
17 auction results
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Title: Ohne Titel (Maikäfer).
Price: not available
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319 auction results
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Auction: 16. Mar - 16. Mar 2023
Title: Vogelgesang und duftende Blumen.
Price: 726 EUR
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Title: Baum.
Price: 1.980 EUR
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Auction: 16. Mar - 16. Mar 2023
Title: 08.23 H.
Price: 3.696 EUR
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Pia Fries
Auction: 16. Mar - 16. Mar 2023
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Price: 132 EUR
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Price: not available
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Auction: 16. Mar - 16. Mar 2023
Title: Mike and Modelmakers.
Price: not available
Found at VAN HAM
173 auction results
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Price: 1.056 EUR
Found at VAN HAM
9 auction results
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Karl Lagasse
Auction: 16. Mar - 16. Mar 2023
Title: Rose Gold.
Price: not available
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Markus Linnenbrink
Auction: 16. Mar - 16. Mar 2023
Title: "Macerata Feltria, Italia".
Price: 528 EUR
Found at VAN HAM
47 auction results
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Yangming Zhou
Auction: 16. Mar - 16. Mar 2023
Title: Ohne Titel (2012-01-12).
Price: not available
Found at VAN HAM
6 auction results
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Romuald Hazoumé
Auction: 16. Mar - 16. Mar 2023
Title: "Apartenance".
Price: 1.056 EUR
Found at VAN HAM
32 auction results
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Monika Huber
Auction: 16. Mar - 16. Mar 2023
Title: Ohne Titel.
Price: not available
Found at VAN HAM
3 auction results
David Ostrowski - Ohne Titel.
David Ostrowski
Auction: 16. Mar - 16. Mar 2023
Title: Ohne Titel.
Price: not available
Found at VAN HAM
136 auction results
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Irene Bisang
Auction: 16. Mar - 16. Mar 2023
Title: Atelier.
Price: 1.122 EUR
Found at VAN HAM
46 auction results
Seo - Unikat III (6/100).
Auction: 16. Mar - 16. Mar 2023
Title: Unikat III (6/100).
Price: 2.244 EUR
Found at VAN HAM
78 auction results
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Alain Clément
Auction: 16. Mar - 16. Mar 2023
Title: "08 JA 14 P".
Price: not available
Found at VAN HAM
20 auction results
Irmelin Sansen - Ohne Titel.
Irmelin Sansen
Auction: 16. Mar - 16. Mar 2023
Title: Ohne Titel.
Price: not available
Found at VAN HAM
3 auction results
Amador - Ohne Titel.
Auction: 16. Mar - 16. Mar 2023
Title: Ohne Titel.
Price: not available
Found at VAN HAM
18 auction results
Sergej Jensen - The last yellow Triangle.
Sergej Jensen
Auction: 16. Mar - 16. Mar 2023
Title: The last yellow Triangle.
Price: 1.254 EUR
Found at VAN HAM
82 auction results
Gustav Kluge - Konvolut von 4 Papierarbeiten.
Gustav Kluge
Auction: 16. Mar - 16. Mar 2023
Title: Konvolut von 4 Papierarbeiten.
Price: 792 EUR
Found at VAN HAM
30 auction results
Axel Krause - \
Axel Krause
Auction: 16. Mar - 16. Mar 2023
Title: "Das Modell".
Price: 3.168 EUR
Found at VAN HAM
9 auction results
Dan Graham - Konvolut von 2 Druckgrafiken und 1 Fotografie.
Dan Graham
Auction: 16. Mar - 16. Mar 2023
Title: Konvolut von 2 Druckgrafiken und 1 Fotografie.
Price: not available
Found at VAN HAM
108 auction results
Martin Disler - Ohne Titel.
Martin Disler
Auction: 16. Mar - 16. Mar 2023
Title: Ohne Titel.
Price: 106 EUR
Found at VAN HAM
159 auction results
Joe Zucker - Plunder. From 1977 to 2008.
Joe Zucker
Auction: 16. Mar - 16. Mar 2023
Title: Plunder. From 1977 to 2008.
Price: not available
Found at VAN HAM
19 auction results
Christoph Ruckhäberle - Kunstwerkstatt Collector\'s Edition.
Christoph Ruckhäberle
Auction: 16. Mar - 16. Mar 2023
Title: Kunstwerkstatt Collector's Edition.
Price: not available
Found at VAN HAM
86 auction results