Isaac Robert Cruikshank

A civic Louse in the State Bed!!!-or the Corporation Conglomorated; Peter Sham-Peter Shampood; or the Consequence of Kissing and Telling.;A Sketch at St Albans or shaving the new maid Dutchess!; The Catholic Association or Paddy coming it strong-!!!; The

Found at Christies, London
13. Dec - 13. Dec 2000
Estimate: 250 - 350 GBP
Price realised: 282 GBP
Isaac Robert Cruikshank (1789-1856)
A civic Louse in the State Bed!!!-or the Corporation Conglomorated; Peter Sham-Peter Shampood; or the Consequence of Kissing and Telling.;A Sketch at St Albans or shaving the new maid Dutchess!; The Catholic Association or Paddy coming it strong-!!!; The Mothers Girl Plucking a Crow, or German flesh & Engliah Spirit
hand-coloured etchings, published 1816-27, on wove paper with narrow margins, 3 water marked J.Whatman, condition good
P. 10 x 14in (25.5 x 35.5cm) (5)

Auction result well in line with expectations

The work A civic Louse in the State Bed!!!-or the Corporation Conglomorated; Peter Sham-Peter Shampood; or the Consequence of Kissing and Telling.;A Sketch at St Albans or shaving the new maid Dutchess!; The Catholic Association or Paddy coming it strong-!!!; The by Isaac Robert Cruickshank was auctioned at Christies in London in December 2000. The price achieved of GBP 282.00 (€ 449.22) was within expectations - the estimate range had previously been set by the auction house as GBP 250.00 – 350.00. Of course, this price has nothing to do with the top prices that other works by Isaac Robert Cruickshank achieve. The highest price we have observed so far was reached by the work Laplanders, Reindeer &c. as Exhibited at the Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly. 1822.; and The Laplanders Return, to their Native Country under the Care of Mr Bullock & His Son. in September 2007 with an auction result of GBP 3,500.00 (€ 5,018.74).

Auktionsergebnis im Rahmen der Erwartungen

Die Arbeit A civic Louse in the State Bed!!!-or the Corporation Conglomorated; Peter Sham-Peter Shampood; or the Consequence of Kissing and Telling.;A Sketch at St Albans or shaving the new maid Dutchess!; The Catholic Association or Paddy coming it strong-!!!; The von Isaac Robert Cruickshank kam im Dezember 2000 bei Christies in London zur Auktion. Der dabei erzielte Preis von GBP 282,00 (€ 449,22) lag im Rahmen der Erwartungen – die Schätzpreisspanne war von dem Auktionshaus zuvor mit GBP 250,00 – 350,00 angegeben worden. Dieser Preis hat freilich nichts mit den Spitzenpreisen zu tun, die andere Arbeiten von Isaac Robert Cruickshank erzielen. Den höchsten von uns bisher beobachteten Preis erreichte die Arbeit Laplanders, Reindeer &c. as Exhibited at the Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly. 1822.; and The Laplanders Return, to their Native Country under the Care of Mr Bullock & His Son. im September 2007 mit einem Auktionsergebnis von GBP 3.500,00 (€ 5.018,74).

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Found at Christies
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Found at Christies
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Found at Christies
191 auction results
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Found at Christies
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Found at Christies
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Found at Christies
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Found at Christies
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Found at Christies
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Found at Christies
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Price: 2.115 GBP
Found at Christies
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Price: 470 GBP
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Price: 306 GBP
Found at Christies
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John Raphael Smith
Auction: 13. Dec - 13. Dec 2000
Title: A Christmas Holiday and A Christmas Gambol
Price: 823 GBP
Found at Christies
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John Martin
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Title: The Deluge
Price: 10.575 GBP
Found at Christies
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Matthijs Maris - Under the Tree, (the Lady of Shalott)
Matthijs Maris
Auction: 13. Dec - 13. Dec 2000
Title: Under the Tree, (the Lady of Shalott)
Price: 329 GBP
Found at Christies
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Michele Marieschi - Magnificentiores Selectioresque Urbis Venetiarum Prospectus: S.Giorgio Maggiore, (S.6); L\' Arsenale, (S.9); Campo S. Rocco, (S.10); Campo S. Maria Formosa, (S.13); Il Canal Grande con il Fondaco dei Tedeschi, (S.14); La Regata a Ca\' Foscari, (S.15); Vedut
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Title: Magnificentiores Selectioresque Urbis Venetiarum Prospectus: S.Giorgio Maggiore, (S.6); L' Arsenale, (S.9); Campo S. Rocco, (S.10); Campo S. Maria Formosa, (S.13); Il Canal Grande con il Fondaco dei Tedeschi, (S.14); La Regata a Ca' Foscari, (S.15); Vedut
Price: 11.750 GBP
Found at Christies
60 auction results
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Wenceslaus Hollar
Auction: 13. Dec - 13. Dec 2000
Title: Westminster Abbey, West Front (Pennington 1042)
Price: 235 GBP
Found at Christies
71 auction results