- Art.Salon
- Artists
- Etienne de Lavallée-Poussin
- Visitors at the Falls at Tivoli
![Etienne De Lavallée-Poussin - Visitors at the Falls at Tivoli](/images/etienne-de-lavallee-poussin_visitors-at-the-falls-at-tivoli_AID377602.jpg?f=grey)
Etienne De Lavallée-Poussin
Visitors at the Falls at Tivoli
Found at
New York
From Taddeo to Tiepolo: The Dr. John O’Brien Collection of Old Master Drawings, Lot 303
27. Jan - 27. Jan 2021
From Taddeo to Tiepolo: The Dr. John O’Brien Collection of Old Master Drawings, Lot 303
27. Jan - 27. Jan 2021
Estimate: XX.XXX
Price realised: XX.XXX
Price realised: XX.XXX
Etienne de Lavallée-Poussin
Rouen 1733 - 1793 Paris
Visitors at the Falls at Tivoli
Pen and brown ink and wash over black chalk, within black chalk framing lines;
inscribed and dated in brown ink, lower right: Tivoli 1764
167 by 115 mm; 6 1/2 by 4 1/2 in
With Galerie Geneviève Aymonier, Paris, Dessins des maitres anciens, 1967, no. 15, | where acquired, 1967
Rouen 1733 - 1793 Paris
Visitors at the Falls at Tivoli
Pen and brown ink and wash over black chalk, within black chalk framing lines;
inscribed and dated in brown ink, lower right: Tivoli 1764
167 by 115 mm; 6 1/2 by 4 1/2 in
With Galerie Geneviève Aymonier, Paris, Dessins des maitres anciens, 1967, no. 15, | where acquired, 1967
Auction result misses estimated price range
When the work Visitors at the Falls at Tivoli by Etienne de Lavallée-Poussin was auctioned at Sothebys in New York in January 2021, the result was somewhat disappointing. The auction house had previously given the estimated price as a range of USD 4,000.00 – 6,000.00, of which not even the lower limit was reached - in fact, the artwork changed hands for USD 3,528.00 (€ 2,907.29). However, buyers have had to dig much deeper into their pockets for other works by Etienne de Lavallée-Poussin - we have observed the highest auction result to date for the work A seated woman sewing; and A seated woman working at her embroidery, which sold at auction in December 2006 for GBP 5,040.00 (€ 7,479.99).
Auktionsergebnis verfehlt die Schätzpreisspanne
Als die Arbeit Visitors at the Falls at Tivoli von Etienne de Lavallée-Poussin im Januar 2021 bei Sothebys in New York versteigert wurde, fiel das Ergebnis ein wenig enttäuschend aus. Das Auktionshaus hatte den Schätzpreis zuvor mit einer Spanne von USD 4.000,00 – 6.000,00 angegeben, von der nicht einmal die Untergrenze erreicht wurde - tatsächlich wechselte das Kunstwerk für USD 3.528,00 (€ 2.907,29) den Besitzer. Für andere Arbeiten von Etienne de Lavallée-Poussin mussten die Käufer allerdings auch schon deutlich tiefer in die Tasche greifen – das bisher höchste Auktionsergebnis haben wir für die Arbeit A seated woman sewing; and A seated woman working at her embroidery beobachtet, die im Dezember 2006 für GBP 5.040,00 (€ 7.479,99) versteigert wurde.