August Malmström

"Odygd (Ordningens återställande)" (Mischief, order is restored)

Found at Bukowski, Stockholm
Autumn Classic Sale, Lot 126
7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Estimate: 30.000 - 40.000 SEK
Price realised: 30.000 SEK
Signed A. M-m. Painted in 1869. Panel 36 x 27 cm.
Earlier in the collections of publisher Albert Bonnier (1820-1900), Stockholm.

Sold at the lower estimate price

The work "Odygd (Ordningens återställande)" (Mischief, order is restored) by August Malmström was auctioned at Bukowski in Stockholm in December 2010. The result of SEK 30,000.00 (€ 3,343.88) was exactly at the lower end of the estimate range of SEK 30,000.00 – 40,000.00. However, buyers have had to dig much deeper into their pockets for other works by August Malmström - we have observed the highest auction result to date for the work "En modern Blenda", which sold at auction in June 2017 for SEK 120,000.00 (€ 12,451.14).

Zuschlag beim unteren Schätzpreis

Die Arbeit "Odygd (Ordningens återställande)" (Mischief, order is restored) von August Malmström kam im Dezember 2010 bei Bukowski in Stockholm zur Auktion. Das dabei erzielte Ergebnis von SEK 30.000,00 (€ 3.343,88) entsprach exakt dem unteren Ende der Schätzpreisspanne von SEK 30.000,00 – 40.000,00. Für andere Arbeiten von August Malmström mussten die Käufer allerdings auch schon deutlich tiefer in die Tasche greifen – das bisher höchste Auktionsergebnis haben wir für die Arbeit "En modern Blenda" beobachtet, die im Juni 2017 für SEK 120.000,00 (€ 12.451,14) versteigert wurde.

Other artists in this auction

Olof Hermelin - Croquet
Olof Hermelin
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Croquet
Price: 16.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
24 auction results
Severin Nilson - Rowing in a summer landscape
Severin Nilson
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Rowing in a summer landscape
Price: 36.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
28 auction results
Johan Krouthén - Summer landscape with hunter
Johan Krouthén
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Summer landscape with hunter
Price: not sold
Found at Bukowski
109 auction results
Anders Zorn - \
Anders Zorn
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Röd sand" (Red Sand)
Price: 11.750.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
515 auction results
Helmer Osslund - \
Helmer Osslund
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Gråväder" (Grey weather)
Price: 150.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
227 auction results
Nils Kreuger - \
Nils Kreuger
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "En byggnadsplats (vid Heleneborgsgatan)" (A construction site)
Price: 60.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
96 auction results
Sven Ljungberg - The dressing of the Christmas tree, Ljungby torg
Sven Ljungberg
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: The dressing of the Christmas tree, Ljungby torg
Price: not sold
Found at Bukowski
4 auction results
Wilhelm von Gegerfelt - Canal Scene with ice skaters
Wilhelm von Gegerfelt
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Canal Scene with ice skaters
Price: 22.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
72 auction results
Anshelm Schultzberg - \
Anshelm Schultzberg
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Vinterafton", (Motif from Långlia, Storhöjden near Filipstad)
Price: 60.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
48 auction results
Johan Ericson - By the lake Vättern
Johan Ericson
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: By the lake Vättern
Price: 32.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
32 auction results
Mina Carlsson-Bredberg - Still life
Mina Carlsson-Bredberg
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Still life
Price: 17.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
3 auction results
August Hagborg - Evening sun on a pine tree
August Hagborg
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Evening sun on a pine tree
Price: 76.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
59 auction results
Alfred Wahlberg - Torreby by Gullmarsfjorden
Alfred Wahlberg
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Torreby by Gullmarsfjorden
Price: 125.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
50 auction results
Oscar Törnå - Blossoming fruit tree
Oscar Törnå
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Blossoming fruit tree
Price: 15.500 SEK
Found at Bukowski
15 auction results
Hugo Birger - Summer day, Lysekil
Hugo Birger
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Summer day, Lysekil
Price: 18.500 SEK
Found at Bukowski
23 auction results
Gustaf Rydberg - \
Gustaf Rydberg
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Bondgård i Falsterbo med blommande äng" (Farm in Falsterbo with flowering meadow)
Price: not sold
Found at Bukowski
17 auction results
Gustaf Fjaestad - \
Gustaf Fjaestad
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Racken i mitt hjärta" (Racken in my heart)
Price: 140.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
66 auction results
Stefan Johansson - Rocks in a forest
Stefan Johansson
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Rocks in a forest
Price: 44.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
23 auction results
Bror Oscar Eugen Börjeson - Still life
Bror Oscar Eugen Börjeson
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Still life
Price: 25.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
4 auction results
Ivar Naumann - \
Ivar Naumann
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Flanörer i Frisens park vid Waldemarsudde" (Strollers in Frisens park at Waldemarsudde)
Price: 22.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
3 auction results
Anton Genberg - Motif from Strandvägen in Stockholm
Anton Genberg
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Motif from Strandvägen in Stockholm
Price: 145.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
18 auction results
Anna Palm de Rosa - Stockholm castle
Anna Palm de Rosa
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Stockholm castle
Price: 8.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
50 auction results
Jacob Hägg - H.M.S. Norrköping off Kronborg Castle at Helsingör
Jacob Hägg
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: H.M.S. Norrköping off Kronborg Castle at Helsingör
Price: 460.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
15 auction results
Herman af Sillén - Possibly HMS Vanadis in the Mediterranean off North africa
Herman af Sillén
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Possibly HMS Vanadis in the Mediterranean off North africa
Price: 66.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
21 auction results
Christian Fredrik Swensson - Marine
Christian Fredrik Swensson
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Marine
Price: 66.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
11 auction results
Carl Wilhelmson - \
Carl Wilhelmson
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Under mässan. I St. Germain des Près" (At mass. In St. Germain des Près)
Price: not sold
Found at Bukowski
87 auction results
Ernst Josephson - \
Ernst Josephson
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Hund" / "Skiss för 'Ett resande teatersällskap' " (Dog / Sketch for "Ett resande teatersällskap")
Price: 126.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
86 auction results
Carl Fredrik Hill - Landscape with tree
Carl Fredrik Hill
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Landscape with tree
Price: 55.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
131 auction results
Carl Skånberg - Boats on the shore, coastal scene from the north of France
Carl Skånberg
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Boats on the shore, coastal scene from the north of France
Price: 16.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
23 auction results
Bruno Liljefors - Anna Liljefors crocheting
Bruno Liljefors
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Anna Liljefors crocheting
Price: 255.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
365 auction results
Jacob Silvén - \
Jacob Silvén
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Månsken", Moonlight, from the western archipelago of Karlskrona
Price: 15.500 SEK
Found at Bukowski
6 auction results
Johann Baptist Homann - Accurate Carte der Upländischen Scheren mit der Situation und gegend umh die königl Schwedische Haupt und Residentz Stat Stockholm
Johann Baptist Homann
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Accurate Carte der Upländischen Scheren mit der Situation und gegend umh die königl Schwedische Haupt und Residentz Stat Stockholm
Price: 12.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
12 auction results
Karl Nordström - \
Karl Nordström
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Vårstämning, Göteborg" (Spring mood, Gothenburg)
Price: 70.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
38 auction results
Christian Didrik Forssell - Carolus XIV Johannes, Rex Sveciae & Norwegiae
Christian Didrik Forssell
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Carolus XIV Johannes, Rex Sveciae & Norwegiae
Price: 19.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
3 auction results
Erik Dahlbergh - The funeral procession of Charles X, from: Samuel von Pufendorf (1632-1694)), \
Erik Dahlbergh
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: The funeral procession of Charles X, from: Samuel von Pufendorf (1632-1694)), "De rebus o Carolo Gustavo, Sueciae gestis commentarium libri septem"
Price: 8.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
6 auction results
Per Ekström - Evening at Borgholm
Per Ekström
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Evening at Borgholm
Price: 70.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
76 auction results
Domenico Bossi - Young woman in fur-lined dress
Domenico Bossi
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Young woman in fur-lined dress
Price: 19.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
26 auction results
Carl Wilhelm Nordgren - \
Carl Wilhelm Nordgren
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Greve Klas Axel Lewenhaupt" (1757-1808) ang his wife "Grevinnan Mariana Eleonora Koskull" (1765-1823)
Price: 28.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
5 auction results
Jacob Axel Gillberg - Man in blue justa corps
Jacob Axel Gillberg
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Man in blue justa corps
Price: 4.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
22 auction results
Elias Martin - \
Elias Martin
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Jaktscen i skärgården vid Forsmark" ( Hunting scene in the archipelago at Forsmark, Sweden )
Price: 35.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
38 auction results
Johan Tobias Sergel - \
Johan Tobias Sergel
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Ostermans Bal" (Ostermans Ball)
Price: 15.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
27 auction results
Victor Jean Nicolle - Italian cityscapes
Victor Jean Nicolle
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Italian cityscapes
Price: 12.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
86 auction results
Pehr Hörberg - The holy family(or Joachim and his wife Anna, Joseph and the Virgin Mary and Jesus with the godfather and the H. Spirit)
Pehr Hörberg
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: The holy family(or Joachim and his wife Anna, Joseph and the Virgin Mary and Jesus with the godfather and the H. Spirit)
Price: not sold
Found at Bukowski
7 auction results
Georg Pauli - French landscape
Georg Pauli
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: French landscape
Price: not sold
Found at Bukowski
33 auction results
Lorentz Sparrgren - Landscape with figures and animals by the river.
Lorentz Sparrgren
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Landscape with figures and animals by the river.
Price: 4.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
5 auction results
Kilian Zoll - Distrait auction in Småland
Kilian Zoll
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Distrait auction in Småland
Price: not sold
Found at Bukowski
12 auction results
Johan Fredrik Martin - \
Johan Fredrik Martin
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Kungl Lust Slottet Drottningholm" (Ur Svenska Vuer)
Price: 21.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
36 auction results
Bertel Alberto Thorvaldsen - \
Bertel Alberto Thorvaldsen
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Der Luzern Löwe"
Price: not sold
Found at Bukowski
4 auction results
Otto Didrik Ottesen - Still life with pink roses
Otto Didrik Ottesen
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Still life with pink roses
Price: 14.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
16 auction results
Willem van Drielenburgh - View over Dortrecht
Willem van Drielenburgh
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: View over Dortrecht
Price: not sold
Found at Bukowski
3 auction results
Ferdinad de Braekeleer dä - At the dentist
Ferdinad de Braekeleer dä
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: At the dentist
Price: 18.500 SEK
Found at Bukowski
20 auction results
no image
Ivan Aguéli
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Spanskt landskap" (Spanish landscape)
Price: 240.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
35 auction results
Jan Wyck - Battle scene
Jan Wyck
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Battle scene
Price: not sold
Found at Bukowski
19 auction results
Antonio Bellucci - Arcaian landscape with Diana
Antonio Bellucci
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Arcaian landscape with Diana
Price: not sold
Found at Bukowski
12 auction results
Giovanni Bellini - Portrait of a young man
Giovanni Bellini
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Portrait of a young man
Price: not sold
Found at Bukowski
8 auction results
Giovanni Paolo Panini - Capriccio with figures at the Roman ruins and the Arch of Constantine
Giovanni Paolo Panini
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Capriccio with figures at the Roman ruins and the Arch of Constantine
Price: 550.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
77 auction results
Herman van Lin - Battle scene in a ruin landscape
Herman van Lin
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Battle scene in a ruin landscape
Price: 72.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
4 auction results
George Howland Beaumont - \
George Howland Beaumont
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Grotta Ferrata...." (Cave Ferrata)
Price: 40.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
5 auction results
Thomas de Keyser - Portrait of a young man, full-length, in a black costume and har, standing amongst classic sculptures
Thomas de Keyser
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Portrait of a young man, full-length, in a black costume and har, standing amongst classic sculptures
Price: not sold
Found at Bukowski
19 auction results
Jean Hugues Taraval - Portrait of a young woman
Jean Hugues Taraval
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Portrait of a young woman
Price: 240.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
13 auction results
Gillis van Tilburg II - Tavern interior with a feasting party
Gillis van Tilburg II
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Tavern interior with a feasting party
Price: not sold
Found at Bukowski
17 auction results
Bernhardt Keil - Sitting boy with a pot, allegory over winter
Bernhardt Keil
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Sitting boy with a pot, allegory over winter
Price: not sold
Found at Bukowski
30 auction results
Carl Larsson - \
Carl Larsson
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Motiv från Marstrand" (Motif from Marstrand)
Price: not sold
Found at Bukowski
237 auction results
Christiaan Cornelis Kannemans - Marine with full rigged vessel and fishing boat
Christiaan Cornelis Kannemans
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Marine with full rigged vessel and fishing boat
Price: 11.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
10 auction results
Axel Fridell - \
Axel Fridell
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Isblomma i kruka" (Iceflower in pot)
Price: 67.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
23 auction results
Gustaf Wilhelm Palm - ”Vue af Romerska Campagnan”
Gustaf Wilhelm Palm
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: ”Vue af Romerska Campagnan”
Price: 20.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
39 auction results
Joseph Magnus Stäck - Walking figures in the outskirts of Rome with the St. Peter\'s Basilica in the background.
Joseph Magnus Stäck
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Walking figures in the outskirts of Rome with the St. Peter's Basilica in the background.
Price: 17.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
19 auction results
Carl Stephan Bennet - \
Carl Stephan Bennet
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Ruiner af Cesarernes tempel i Rom"
Price: 20.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
7 auction results
Per Wilhelm Cedergren - Landscape in winter with a lake and a castle
Per Wilhelm Cedergren
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Landscape in winter with a lake and a castle
Price: not sold
Found at Bukowski
3 auction results
Oskar Bergman - Birch grove in springtime
Oskar Bergman
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Birch grove in springtime
Price: 12.500 SEK
Found at Bukowski
51 auction results
Nils Jakob Olsson Blommér - On a stormy sea
Nils Jakob Olsson Blommér
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: On a stormy sea
Price: not sold
Found at Bukowski
3 auction results
Marcus Larsson - Nocturnal voyage
Marcus Larsson
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Nocturnal voyage
Price: 12.500 SEK
Found at Bukowski
45 auction results
Egron Lundgren - Interior with Italian woman at the spinning wheel
Egron Lundgren
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Interior with Italian woman at the spinning wheel
Price: 8.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
20 auction results
Carl Johan Fahlcrantz - Extensive landscape with waterfall, livestock, and church in the background
Carl Johan Fahlcrantz
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Extensive landscape with waterfall, livestock, and church in the background
Price: 12.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
26 auction results
Pehr Hilleström - \
Pehr Hilleström
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Zemire och Azor" (Act 3, scene 6)
Price: not sold
Found at Bukowski
94 auction results
Louis Belanger - Landscape with river and a man walking
Louis Belanger
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Landscape with river and a man walking
Price: not sold
Found at Bukowski
38 auction results
Gustaf Lundberg - Anders Petter Holm\
Gustaf Lundberg
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Anders Petter Holm" (1747-1786) and his wife "Anna Maria Åbrandt (1752-1831)
Price: 76.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
21 auction results
Jakob Björck - \
Jakob Björck
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Gustaf Adolf Gyllenborg" (1743-1789) and his wife "Petronella Hultman" (1748-1783)
Price: 74.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
13 auction results
Alexander Roslin - Portrait of a French lady, (called \
Alexander Roslin
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Portrait of a French lady, (called "Mademoiselle de Bionville")
Price: 975.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
42 auction results
Adolf Ulrik Wertmüller - Jules Charton\
Adolf Ulrik Wertmüller
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Jules Charton" and his sister "Emelie Charton
Price: not sold
Found at Bukowski
19 auction results
Johan Henrik Scheffel - Portrait with a lady with lapdog
Johan Henrik Scheffel
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Portrait with a lady with lapdog
Price: 35.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
16 auction results
Carl Fredrik von Breda - \
Carl Fredrik von Breda
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Greve Karl Lagerbring" (1751-1822)
Price: 30.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
18 auction results
Johan David Swartz - \
Johan David Swartz
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Magdalena Wallvijk" (1673-1755)
Price: 20.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
6 auction results
David Klöcker Ehrenstrahl - Women\'s portrait
David Klöcker Ehrenstrahl
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Women's portrait
Price: 17.500 SEK
Found at Bukowski
15 auction results
Per Krafft d.y. - Allegorical female figure
Per Krafft d.y.
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Allegorical female figure
Price: 11.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
6 auction results
Ulrica Fredrica Pasch - \
Ulrica Fredrica Pasch
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Petrus Nensen" (1711-1788)
Price: 12.500 SEK
Found at Bukowski
16 auction results
Vaclav Brozik - Ottokar\'s farewell
Vaclav Brozik
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Ottokar's farewell
Price: 1.000.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
6 auction results
Girolamo Gianni - View at Malta
Girolamo Gianni
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: View at Malta
Price: not sold
Found at Bukowski
28 auction results
Karl Kaufmann - View from Venice
Karl Kaufmann
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: View from Venice
Price: 78.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
50 auction results
Jan Jacob Spohler - Dutch landscape with a river
Jan Jacob Spohler
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Dutch landscape with a river
Price: not sold
Found at Bukowski
76 auction results
Auguste Musin - \
Auguste Musin
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Après-midi ensoleillé sur le Moerdyk en Hollande"
Price: 26.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
18 auction results
Gaston Balande - Grote Kerk, Dordrecht in Holland
Gaston Balande
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Grote Kerk, Dordrecht in Holland
Price: not sold
Found at Bukowski
14 auction results
Luigi da Rios - Mother with children, scene from Venice
Luigi da Rios
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Mother with children, scene from Venice
Price: 66.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
2 auction results
Rowland Wheelwright - Young women bathing
Rowland Wheelwright
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Young women bathing
Price: 65.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
13 auction results
George Vicat Cole - Figures in a summer landscape
George Vicat Cole
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Figures in a summer landscape
Price: 39.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
38 auction results
Frank Walton - \
Frank Walton
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Peace at the last"
Price: 22.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
6 auction results
Stanhope A. Forbes - May and December
Stanhope A. Forbes
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: May and December
Price: 15.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
87 auction results
Henry William Banks Davis - At Ewhurst - Surrey
Henry William Banks Davis
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: At Ewhurst - Surrey
Price: not sold
Found at Bukowski
14 auction results
Ernest Crofts - William III at the battle at London
Ernest Crofts
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: William III at the battle at London
Price: 110.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
19 auction results
Ludwig Munthe - On the path
Ludwig Munthe
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: On the path
Price: 40.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
14 auction results
Hans Fredrik Gude - Indre Fjaerlandsfjord i Sogn
Hans Fredrik Gude
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Indre Fjaerlandsfjord i Sogn
Price: 250.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
12 auction results
Anders Askevold - Fiord landscape with sailing boats
Anders Askevold
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Fiord landscape with sailing boats
Price: 28.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
21 auction results
Frits Thaulow - Evening landscape at Pas de Calais
Frits Thaulow
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Evening landscape at Pas de Calais
Price: not sold
Found at Bukowski
85 auction results
Paul Fischer - \
Paul Fischer
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "I östersögade med sötorvet og Dronning Louises bro i baggrunden" (At östersögade with sötorvet and Dronning Louises bridge in the background)
Price: not sold
Found at Bukowski
144 auction results
Peder Mork Mönsted - By the coast at Bornholm
Peder Mork Mönsted
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: By the coast at Bornholm
Price: 52.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
304 auction results
Vilhelm Hammershöi - A writing table and a young woman in an interior
Vilhelm Hammershöi
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: A writing table and a young woman in an interior
Price: 2.750.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
61 auction results
Peder Severin Kröyer - \
Peder Severin Kröyer
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Fiskerne vender hjem" (The return of the fishermen)
Price: 1.100.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
70 auction results
Mosse Stoopendaal - \
Mosse Stoopendaal
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Rödhakar" (Redbreasts)
Price: 33.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
36 auction results
Carl Holsoe - Interior
Carl Holsoe
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Interior
Price: 280.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
116 auction results
Helene Schjerfbeck - \
Helene Schjerfbeck
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Einar Reuter (studie i brunt)" (Einar Reuter (study in brown))
Price: not sold
Found at Bukowski
154 auction results
Berndt Lindholm - Moonlit winter landscape
Berndt Lindholm
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Moonlit winter landscape
Price: not sold
Found at Bukowski
89 auction results
Axel Petersson Döderhultarn - \
Axel Petersson Döderhultarn
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Svineri" (Filth)
Price: 52.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
125 auction results
Anders Sandström - Pair of otters
Anders Sandström
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Pair of otters
Price: 70.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
11 auction results
Jussi Mäntynen - \
Jussi Mäntynen
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Kalvar på vårbete" (Spring grazing calves)
Price: 26.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
60 auction results
Thure Wallner - \
Thure Wallner
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Lövsångare i vårsol" (Willow warbler in spring sun)
Price: 19.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
27 auction results
Anders Jönsson - Cane Corso
Anders Jönsson
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Cane Corso
Price: 3.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
3 auction results
Arvid Knöppel - Elk calf
Arvid Knöppel
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Elk calf
Price: 12.500 SEK
Found at Bukowski
39 auction results
Johan Axel Wetterlund - \
Johan Axel Wetterlund
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Tiger"
Price: not sold
Found at Bukowski
3 auction results
Per Hasselberg - \
Per Hasselberg
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Grodan" (The frog)
Price: 21.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
13 auction results
Gerhard Adolf Janensch - Frederick the Great
Gerhard Adolf Janensch
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Frederick the Great
Price: 25.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
6 auction results
Nils Möllerberg - \
Nils Möllerberg
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Vattenhämterska (skuld)" (Girl fetching water)
Price: 18.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
37 auction results
Tore Strindberg - Krokus
Tore Strindberg
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Krokus
Price: 18.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
18 auction results
Hugo Elmqvist - Stående kvinnoakt (Standing female nude)
Hugo Elmqvist
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Stående kvinnoakt (Standing female nude)
Price: 21.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
4 auction results
Christian Eriksson - The smith
Christian Eriksson
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: The smith
Price: 14.500 SEK
Found at Bukowski
31 auction results
Carl Milles - \
Carl Milles
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Vattenbärerska" (Woman carrying water)
Price: 34.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
195 auction results
John Bauer - \
John Bauer
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Modersglädje" (Motherly love)
Price: 38.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
105 auction results
Alfred Bergström - Summer landscape, Concarneau.
Alfred Bergström
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Summer landscape, Concarneau.
Price: 17.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
7 auction results
Eduard Wiiralt - \
Eduard Wiiralt
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Three female figures" (Kolm naisfiguuri)
Price: 6.600 SEK
Found at Bukowski
27 auction results
Roland Svensson - \
Roland Svensson
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Vinterbåten"
Price: not sold
Found at Bukowski
17 auction results
Pierre-Auguste Renoir - \
Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Paul Cézanne"
Price: 12.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
2,033 auction results
Käthe Kollwitz - Selbstbildnis
Käthe Kollwitz
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Selbstbildnis
Price: 12.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
860 auction results
Paul Gauguin - \
Paul Gauguin
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Auti te pape" (Women at the River)
Price: not sold
Found at Bukowski
489 auction results
Lindorm Liljefors - Moose and hounds
Lindorm Liljefors
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Moose and hounds
Price: 28.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
9 auction results
Gustaf Cederström - \
Gustaf Cederström
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Hos de husvilla", study for
Price: 8.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
6 auction results
Bengt Nordenberg - \
Bengt Nordenberg
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Veteranerna" (The Veterans)
Price: 56.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
33 auction results
Olof Krumlinde - Gondolas near Piazza San Marco, Venice
Olof Krumlinde
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Gondolas near Piazza San Marco, Venice
Price: 15.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
5 auction results
Frans Wilhelm Odelmark - \
Frans Wilhelm Odelmark
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Bazargata i Kairo" (Bazaar street in Cairo)
Price: 30.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
27 auction results
Prins Eugen - \
Prins Eugen
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Vid Colosseum" (By the Colosseum)
Price: 30.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
56 auction results
Julius Kronberg - \
Julius Kronberg
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Romeo och Julia på balkongen" (Romeo and Juliet on the balcony)
Price: 690.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
16 auction results
Jenny Nyström - \
Jenny Nyström
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Tomte matar häst i stall" (Brownie feeding a horse in a stable)
Price: 44.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
121 auction results
Carl Oskar Borg - \
Carl Oskar Borg
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Navajo-indian" (Navajo indian)
Price: 7.500 SEK
Found at Bukowski
79 auction results
Robert Lundberg - Portrait of a gentleman
Robert Lundberg
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Portrait of a gentleman
Price: 6.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
5 auction results
Ivar Arosenius - \
Ivar Arosenius
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: "Livets väg" (The way of life)
Price: 16.500 SEK
Found at Bukowski
49 auction results
Robert Högfeldt - Festivities
Robert Högfeldt
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Festivities
Price: not sold
Found at Bukowski
10 auction results
Regina Kylberg-Bobeck - Harvest time
Regina Kylberg-Bobeck
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Harvest time
Price: not sold
Found at Bukowski
3 auction results
Anna Gardell-Ericson - Fishing
Anna Gardell-Ericson
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Fishing
Price: 34.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
20 auction results
Carl Trägårdh - Elegant lady by the sea
Carl Trägårdh
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Elegant lady by the sea
Price: 72.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
18 auction results
Carl Johansson - Spring landscape
Carl Johansson
Auction: 7. Dec. - 10. Dec. 2010
Title: Spring landscape
Price: 22.000 SEK
Found at Bukowski
19 auction results