
Fatima El Hajj Lebanese, born 1953

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Fatima El Hajj - Le retour d\'Europe
MASHREQ / MAGHREBArt Moderne et Contemporain du Monde Arabe - Curated by Claude Lemand - Vente au profit des Artistes et de l'Institut du monde arabe
October 2021
Bonhams, Paris
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Fatima El-Hajj - Nocturne
I.M.A.GINATION 44 oeuvres provenant de la collection Claude & France Lemand vendues au profit des artistes du musée de l’Institut du monde arabe
July 2020
Christies, Paris (Online Auction)
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Fatima Al Hajj - Al Nahda Al Ilmiya inda Al Arab   (The Arab Scientific Renaissance)
Middle Eastern, Modern and Contemporary Art
October 2019
Christies, London
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Fatima El Hajj - La Lecture
Modern and Contemporary Arab, Iranian and Turkish ArtPart II
October 2011
Christies, Dubai
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX

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