Finding hope in times of crisis and war is a basic human theme. As evidenced by the emergence of religions around the globe, people have been concerned with powers beyond what is actually visible for many millennia. The ARoS Art Museum dares to take a current look at man's search for alternative worldviews, often associated with spirituality and philosophy: The Cosmos Within presents artists of the 20th and 21st centuries who deal with alternative systems of thought in terms of content. The exhibition runs from December 2, 2023 to April 7, 2024 in the Danish city of Aarhus.
The choice of media is broad, the selection of artists is international: man's search for something to hold on to unites the world. The exhibiting artists include Swiss painter Emma Kunz, British Susanne Treister, Norwegian performance artist Tori Wrånes and installation artists Rachel Rose from the USA, Tabita Rezaire from French Guinea, Zheng Bo from China, Evan Ifekoya from Great Britain, Ai Arakawa from Japan, and Patricia Dominguez from Chile.