Hamburg, Michael Nischke at the Visulex Gallery

»Made in Japan«

Japan in all its facets: Photographer Michael Nischke presents his documentation of the complex Japanese culture in the exhibition Made in Japan. The art photographs will be on display at the Visulex Gallery in Hamburg from May 30.

May 29, 2024
Michael Nischke, Kyoto SAKURA I, 2019
Kyoto SAKURA I 2019 © Michael Nischke

Munich-based photographer Michael Nischke has already traveled to Japan several times and was thus able to gain extensive insights into the country, which triggers fascination but also astonishment in many. Japanese culture proves to be a unique, sometimes contradictory interweaving of tradition and modernity, partly due to the country's geographical location, its deliberate centuries-long isolation and rapid modernization in the 19th and 20th centuries. With a clear eye for the motifs, Nischke avoids clichéd depictions, such as the world-famous cherry blossom, which is important to the Japanese, and reflects the complex social structures. The Visulex Gallery, which specializes in art photography, is showing Nischke's work in the exhibition Made in Japan. The exhibits can be seen in Hamburg from May 30 to June 28.

Michael Nischke studied photography in Cologne and is a member of the German Photographic Society (DGPh). He is regarded as one of the leading artists in Germany, particularly in the field of panorama photography. Nischke's work has been shown at numerous exhibitions in Germany, Japan and Taiwan, among other countries, and is represented in various collections. He was a member of the editorial board of the renowned magazine Photo International and is a board member and curator of the BLANK ART FOUNDATION, a Munich-based foundation active in the fields of art photography and video art.Art.Salon

Michael Nischke, Tokio Pig, 2019
Tokio Pig © Michael Nischke 2019

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