- Art.Salon
- Artists
- Yang Zhiguang
- Indonesian Dance, 1973

Yang Zhiguang
Indonesian Dance, 1973
Found at
Hong Kong
Fine Chinese Paintings, Lot 819
2. Dec - 2. Dec 2023
Fine Chinese Paintings, Lot 819
2. Dec - 2. Dec 2023
Estimate: XX.XXX
Price realised: XX.XXX
Price realised: XX.XXX
Fine Chinese Paintings Formerly in the Collection of Mingzhai 南洋明齋舊藏古代及近現代中國書畫 LOTS 801-835 楊作明(1925-1984),廣東潮州澄海人,後移居馬來西亞從商。雖是僑胞身份,卻對中國書畫十分著迷,自行鑽研書畫收藏。約六十年代末期,經由楊之光先生推薦而個別造訪北京榮寶齋、天津藝苑及上海畫苑等地,收購許多該地區著名書畫家之作。因南洋地區專業裝裱行當較不風行,楊先生還曾特地在香港逗留多時,就教於裝池能手,返家後自行裱畫,其專注與投入,絕非一般收藏家可與比肩。 明齋收藏於本年春季及網絡拍已有陸續釋出,深受好評。得藏家家屬信任,本輯再有佳作呈現,張大千書於八德園之〈行書東坡詩〉(拍品編號833)、黎雄才〈黃山始信峰〉(拍品編號821),具藏家上款。另有金城〈九思圖〉(拍品編號832),作於一九一〇年,具好友陳半丁同年署簽,並張大千題識,保留原始裝潢,尤為市場罕見。
YANG ZHIGUANG (1930-2016)
Indonesian Dance, 1973
Ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll
Titled and signed Zhiguang, with two artist's seals
Dated guichou year (1973)
Titleslip inscribed and signed Mingzhai, dated 1980, with one collector's seal
78 x 44cm (30¾ x 17⅜in)
YANG ZHIGUANG (1930-2016)
Indonesian Dance, 1973
Ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll
Titled and signed Zhiguang, with two artist's seals
Dated guichou year (1973)
Titleslip inscribed and signed Mingzhai, dated 1980, with one collector's seal
78 x 44cm (30¾ x 17⅜in)