Sonia Delaunay

Galerie Bing, 1964

Found at Bonhams, London (Online Auction)
Prints & Multiples Online, Lot 7
13. Oct - 20. Oct 2023
Estimate: 300 - 400 EUR
Price realised: 1.536 EUR
Sonia DELAUNAY (1885-1979)
Galerie Bing, 1964
Lithographie en couleurs sur vélin d'Arches
Signée en bas à droite
Épreuve avant la lettre pour l'exposition de l'artiste à la Galerie Bing
65 x 50,4 cm
Colour lithograph on Arches paper, signed

Artwork auctioned at three times the upper estimate price

The work Galerie Bing, 1964 by Sonia Delaunay was worth EUR 1,536.00 to a buyer in October this year. This price was achieved in the auction Prints & Multiples Online at Bonhams in London and exceeded the previously set upper estimate of EUR 400.00 many times over. Of course, this price has nothing to do with the top prices that other works by Sonia Delaunay achieve. The highest price we have observed so far was reached by the work Prismes électriques in October 2017 with an auction result of EUR 1,567,500.00.

Kunstwerk zum Dreifachen des oberen Schätzpreises versteigert

Die Arbeit Galerie Bing, 1964 von Sonia Delaunay war einem Käufer im Oktober diesen Jahres EUR 1.536,00 wert. Dieser Preise wurde in der Auktion Prints & Multiples Online bei Bonhams in London erzielt und übertraf den zuvor angesetzten oberen Schätzpreis von EUR 400,00 um ein Vielfaches. Dieser Preis hat freilich nichts mit den Spitzenpreisen zu tun, die andere Arbeiten von Sonia Delaunay erzielen. Den höchsten von uns bisher beobachteten Preis erreichte die Arbeit Prismes électriques im Oktober 2017 mit einem Auktionsergebnis von EUR 1.567.500,00.

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245 auction results
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94 auction results
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Price: 640 EUR
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Price: 538 EUR
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Title: Profil, 1988
Price: 64 EUR
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Title: Heidi, 1992
Price: not available
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Price: 205 EUR
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Price: 192 EUR
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Price: 461 EUR
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Title: L'udito
Price: 90 EUR
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Title: Hot and sour soup, 1969
Price: 589 EUR
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Title: Sans titre
Price: not available
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Price: 1.280 EUR
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Title: Believer: worker, 2006
Price: 768 EUR
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Title: The poet assassinated, 1970
Price: not available
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1,591 auction results
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Auction: 13. Oct - 20. Oct 2023
Title: Kutztown Connection, 1984
Price: 1.536 EUR
Found at Bonhams
2,143 auction results
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Auction: 13. Oct - 20. Oct 2023
Title: Paysage aux meules ou les meules en hiver, 1898
Price: 154 EUR
Found at Bonhams
531 auction results
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Shepard Fairey
Auction: 13. Oct - 20. Oct 2023
Title: Make art, not war, 2021
Price: 102 EUR
Found at Bonhams
928 auction results
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Yayoi Kusama
Auction: 13. Oct - 20. Oct 2023
Title: I want to sing my heart out in praise of life, circa 2010
Price: 704 EUR
Found at Bonhams
2,273 auction results
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Auction: 13. Oct - 20. Oct 2023
Title: Gone, 2019
Price: not available
Found at Bonhams
1,438 auction results
Invader - Rubik Country Life, 2023
Auction: 13. Oct - 20. Oct 2023
Title: Rubik Country Life, 2023
Price: not available
Found at Bonhams
411 auction results
Yannis Tsarouchis - Treize quatrains, 1989
Yannis Tsarouchis
Auction: 13. Oct - 20. Oct 2023
Title: Treize quatrains, 1989
Price: 435 EUR
Found at Bonhams
84 auction results
Enzo Cucchi - Stazione Paradiso, 1994
Enzo Cucchi
Auction: 13. Oct - 20. Oct 2023
Title: Stazione Paradiso, 1994
Price: not available
Found at Bonhams
152 auction results
Marino Marini - Immaginazione, 1972
Marino Marini
Auction: 13. Oct - 20. Oct 2023
Title: Immaginazione, 1972
Price: not available
Found at Bonhams
970 auction results
Pierre Alechinsky - Tireur de langue, 1974
Pierre Alechinsky
Auction: 13. Oct - 20. Oct 2023
Title: Tireur de langue, 1974
Price: not available
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Auction: 13. Oct - 20. Oct 2023
Title: L'escalier
Price: 486 EUR
Found at Bonhams
163 auction results
Helmut Newton - Sumo, Monte Carlo, Taschen, 1999
Helmut Newton
Auction: 13. Oct - 20. Oct 2023
Title: Sumo, Monte Carlo, Taschen, 1999
Price: not available
Found at Bonhams
1,282 auction results
Vassilakis Takis - Magnetic evidence, 1983 -1991
Vassilakis Takis
Auction: 13. Oct - 20. Oct 2023
Title: Magnetic evidence, 1983 -1991
Price: 704 EUR
Found at Bonhams
236 auction results
Giulio Paolini - Lezioni di Pittura, 1994
Giulio Paolini
Auction: 13. Oct - 20. Oct 2023
Title: Lezioni di Pittura, 1994
Price: not available
Found at Bonhams
184 auction results
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Julio Le Parc
Auction: 13. Oct - 20. Oct 2023
Title: Larga marcha, 4 bifurcaciones, 2021
Price: not available
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Carlos Cruz-Diez
Auction: 13. Oct - 20. Oct 2023
Title: Induction du jaune tepuy 3, 2018
Price: not available
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Aurélie Nemours
Auction: 13. Oct - 20. Oct 2023
Title: 8 Fasi di un Contrapunto spaziale susseguente, 1988
Price: 1.280 EUR
Found at Bonhams
78 auction results
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Yaacov Agam
Auction: 13. Oct - 20. Oct 2023
Title: Sans titre
Price: not available
Found at Bonhams
273 auction results
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Max Bill
Auction: 13. Oct - 20. Oct 2023
Title: 8 (2 4/4), 1974
Price: 384 EUR
Found at Bonhams
341 auction results
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Auction: 13. Oct - 20. Oct 2023
Title: Sans titre, circa 1980
Price: 960 EUR
Found at Bonhams
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Auction: 13. Oct - 20. Oct 2023
Title: Hexagone, 1988
Price: 307 EUR
Found at Bonhams
2,435 auction results
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Auction: 13. Oct - 20. Oct 2023
Title: Mini Zoraida, 1969-1970
Price: not available
Found at Bonhams
190 auction results
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Auction: 13. Oct - 20. Oct 2023
Title: DONUT LAMP (PINK), 2020
Price: not available
Found at Bonhams
55 auction results
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Auction: 13. Oct - 20. Oct 2023
Title: Colonne, 1979
Price: 2.816 EUR
Found at Bonhams
24 auction results