Remo Brindisi - Lotto di due opere: a) Esodo    firmato in basso a sinistra Brindisi e datato in basso a destra    47    china su carta    cm 41,5x38    Eseguito nel 1947 b) Lotta di cani    firmato in alto a sinistra Brindisi e datato in basso a destra    53    chi

Remo Brindisi

Lotto di due opere: a) Esodo firmato in basso a sinistra Brindisi e datato in basso a destra 47 china su carta cm 41,5x38 Eseguito nel 1947 b) Lotta di cani firmato in alto a sinistra Brindisi e datato in basso a destra 53 chi

Found at Christies, Milan
29. May - 29. May 2001
Estimate: XX.XXX
Price realised: XX.XXX
Remo Brindisi (1918-1996)
Lotto di due opere:
a) Esodo
firmato in basso a sinistra Brindisi e datato in basso a destra 47
china su carta
cm 41,5x38
Eseguito nel 1947
b) Lotta di cani

Auction result misses estimated price range

This work of art by Remo Brindisi could be acquired at Christies in Milan in May 2001 for an unexpectedly low price. In the ARTE MODERNA E CONTEMPORANEA auction, the work Lotto di due opere: a) Esodo firmato in basso a sinistra Brindisi e datato in basso a destra 47 china su carta cm 41,5x38 Eseguito nel 1947 b) Lotta di cani firmato in alto a sinistra Brindisi e datato in basso a destra 53 chi changed hands for ITL 490,000.00 (€ 463.63) - missing the lower end of Of course, this price has nothing to do with the top prices that other works by Remo Brindisi achieve. The highest price we have observed so far was reached by the work Punta della dogana in May 2002 with an auction result of EUR 9,920.00.

Auktionsergebnis verfehlt die Schätzpreisspanne

Dieses Kunstwerk von Remo Brindisi konnte im Mai 2001 bei Christies in Mailand für einen unerwartet niedrigen Preis ersteigert werden. In der Auktion ARTE MODERNA E CONTEMPORANEA wechselte die Arbeit Lotto di due opere: a) Esodo firmato in basso a sinistra Brindisi e datato in basso a destra 47 china su carta cm 41,5x38 Eseguito nel 1947 b) Lotta di cani firmato in alto a sinistra Brindisi e datato in basso a destra 53 chi für ITL 490.000,00 (€ 463,63) den Besitzer – und verfehlte damit das untere Ende der Schätzpreisspanne von ITL 1.000.000,00 – 1.500.000,00. Dieser Preis hat freilich nichts mit den Spitzenpreisen zu tun, die andere Arbeiten von Remo Brindisi erzielen. Den höchsten von uns bisher beobachteten Preis erreichte die Arbeit Punta della dogana im Mai 2002 mit einem Auktionsergebnis von EUR 9.920,00.

Other artists in this auction

Salvatore Fiume - Messicani
Salvatore Fiume
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Messicani
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
40 auction results
Luigi Bartolini - Tre lavandaie
Luigi Bartolini
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Tre lavandaie
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
14 auction results
Orfeo Tamburi - Natura morta alla finestra
Orfeo Tamburi
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Natura morta alla finestra
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
23 auction results
Gian Filippo Usellini - Giovedì grasso
Gian Filippo Usellini
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Giovedì grasso
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
19 auction results
Pietro Annigoni - Uomo alla scrivania
Pietro Annigoni
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Uomo alla scrivania
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
37 auction results
Mino Maccari - Ritratti
Mino Maccari
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Ritratti
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
32 auction results
Marino Marini - Un cavaliere
Marino Marini
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Un cavaliere
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
973 auction results
Marco Tirelli - Senza titolo
Marco Tirelli
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Senza titolo
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
18 auction results
Alberto Martini - L\'orientale
Alberto Martini
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: L'orientale
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
20 auction results
Giuseppe Migneco - Cacciatore
Giuseppe Migneco
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Cacciatore
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
31 auction results
Pablo Picasso - Face n. 125
Pablo Picasso
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Face n. 125
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
21,576 auction results
Giuseppe Cesetti - Fantini e cavalli
Giuseppe Cesetti
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Fantini e cavalli
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
16 auction results
Pippo Oriani - Arlecchini
Pippo Oriani
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Arlecchini
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
17 auction results
Renato Guttuso - Mendicante
Renato Guttuso
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Mendicante
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
212 auction results
Aligi Sassu - Pegaso
Aligi Sassu
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Pegaso
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
40 auction results
Alberto Sughi - La Lina
Alberto Sughi
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: La Lina
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
12 auction results
Pericle Fazzini - Informale
Pericle Fazzini
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Informale
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
20 auction results
Emilio Vedova - Senza titolo
Emilio Vedova
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Senza titolo
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
154 auction results
Mario Sironi - Senza titolo
Mario Sironi
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Senza titolo
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
294 auction results
Emilio Greco - Nudo di donna
Emilio Greco
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Nudo di donna
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
48 auction results
George Grosz - Music Hall
George Grosz
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Music Hall
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
1,062 auction results
Enrico Prampolini - Daphnis et Chloé
Enrico Prampolini
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Daphnis et Chloé
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
63 auction results
Walter Valentini - Costellazione 3
Walter Valentini
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Costellazione 3
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
14 auction results
André Masson - Portrait de Rose Masson
André Masson
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Portrait de Rose Masson
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
734 auction results
Bepi Romagnoni - Senza titolo
Bepi Romagnoni
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Senza titolo
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
10 auction results
Bruno Cassinari - Figura seduta
Bruno Cassinari
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Figura seduta
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
56 auction results
Pino Pascali - Barche a vela e peschereccio
Pino Pascali
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Barche a vela e peschereccio
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
95 auction results
Cy Twombly - Senza titolo
Cy Twombly
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Senza titolo
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
817 auction results
Franco Angeli - Paesaggio enigmatico
Franco Angeli
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Paesaggio enigmatico
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
101 auction results
Pietro Cascella - Studio per il prigioniero
Pietro Cascella
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Studio per il prigioniero
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
11 auction results
Enzo Cucchi - Senza titolo
Enzo Cucchi
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Senza titolo
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
152 auction results
Lucio Fontana - Nudo
Lucio Fontana
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Nudo
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
2,005 auction results
Carol Rama - Ritratto
Carol Rama
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Ritratto
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
83 auction results
Giovanni Omiccioli - Albero e sterpaglia a Fregene
Giovanni Omiccioli
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Albero e sterpaglia a Fregene
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
21 auction results
Pietro Consagra - Colloquio davanti lo specchio
Pietro Consagra
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Colloquio davanti lo specchio
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
107 auction results
Mario Schifano - Camminare
Mario Schifano
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Camminare
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
506 auction results
Tano Festa - Pialla
Tano Festa
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Pialla
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
103 auction results
Michele Cascella - Portofino dall\'alto N. 2
Michele Cascella
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Portofino dall'alto N. 2
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
155 auction results
Giò Pomodoro - T verticale-orizzontale
Giò Pomodoro
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: T verticale-orizzontale
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
81 auction results
Domenico Gnoli - La bicicletta rossa
Domenico Gnoli
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: La bicicletta rossa
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
89 auction results
Mario Tozzi - Figure
Mario Tozzi
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Figure
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
72 auction results
Felice Casorati - La saltimbanca
Felice Casorati
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: La saltimbanca
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
71 auction results
Gianni Piacentino - Veicolo
Gianni Piacentino
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Veicolo
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
20 auction results
Enrico Baj - Italia, Italia
Enrico Baj
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Italia, Italia
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
279 auction results
Wifredo Lam - Senza titolo
Wifredo Lam
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Senza titolo
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
535 auction results
Giuseppe Santomaso - Vivaio
Giuseppe Santomaso
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Vivaio
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
163 auction results
Renato Birolli - Incendio nelle Cinque Terre n. 4
Renato Birolli
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Incendio nelle Cinque Terre n. 4
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
50 auction results
Antonio Corpora - Pomeriggio
Antonio Corpora
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Pomeriggio
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
85 auction results
Robert Rauschenberg - Senza titolo
Robert Rauschenberg
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Senza titolo
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
2,088 auction results
Fiorenzo Tomea - Paesaggio umbro
Fiorenzo Tomea
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Paesaggio umbro
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
50 auction results
Giorgio de Chirico - Cavalli in riva al mare
Giorgio de Chirico
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Cavalli in riva al mare
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
837 auction results
Filippo De Pisis - Conchiglie
Filippo De Pisis
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Conchiglie
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
210 auction results
Fausto Pirandello - Natura morta
Fausto Pirandello
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Natura morta
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
59 auction results
Mimmo Paladino - Ritratto di P. Panzironi nel tabacco
Mimmo Paladino
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Ritratto di P. Panzironi nel tabacco
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
356 auction results
Carla Accardi - Colorato
Carla Accardi
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Colorato
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
173 auction results
Enrico Castellani - Superficie bianca
Enrico Castellani
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Superficie bianca
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
347 auction results
Giulio Turcato - Lenzuolo di San Rocco
Giulio Turcato
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Lenzuolo di San Rocco
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
205 auction results
Christo - Galleria Nazionale d\'Arte Moderna packed (project for Rome)
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna packed (project for Rome)
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
1,364 auction results
Sol Lewitt - Project
Sol Lewitt
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Project
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
1,893 auction results
Daniel Spoerri - Yolp
Daniel Spoerri
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Yolp
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
233 auction results
Giulio Paolini - Colori
Giulio Paolini
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Colori
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
186 auction results
Giacomo Balla - Autoritratto
Giacomo Balla
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Autoritratto
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
178 auction results
Carlo Erba - Pioppeto
Carlo Erba
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Pioppeto
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
4 auction results
Augusto Murer - Arlecchino
Augusto Murer
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Arlecchino
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
8 auction results
Piero Guccione - Siepe e albero prima del tramonto
Piero Guccione
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Siepe e albero prima del tramonto
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
20 auction results
Auguste Herbin - Mont Albert
Auguste Herbin
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Mont Albert
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
418 auction results
Ugo Attardi - Nudo seduto con bastone
Ugo Attardi
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Nudo seduto con bastone
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
8 auction results
Ardengo Soffici - Paesaggio
Ardengo Soffici
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Paesaggio
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
24 auction results
Francesco Messina - Flora
Francesco Messina
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Flora
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
14 auction results
Arturo Tosi - Il lungolago
Arturo Tosi
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Il lungolago
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
52 auction results
Mimmo Rotella - Senza titolo
Mimmo Rotella
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Senza titolo
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
370 auction results
Alberto Burri - Fondo rosso
Alberto Burri
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Fondo rosso
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
372 auction results
Massimo Campigli - Donna con bambino
Massimo Campigli
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Donna con bambino
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
233 auction results
Andre Derain - Nudo
Andre Derain
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Nudo
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
722 auction results
Antonio Zoran Music - Terre dalmate
Antonio Zoran Music
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Terre dalmate
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
258 auction results
Amedeo Modigliani - Studi di figure
Amedeo Modigliani
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Studi di figure
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
210 auction results
Antonio Donghi - La circense
Antonio Donghi
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: La circense
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
17 auction results
Giorgio Morandi - Natura morta
Giorgio Morandi
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Natura morta
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
513 auction results
Alberto Savinio - Ercole trino
Alberto Savinio
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Ercole trino
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
43 auction results
Alighiero Boetti - Mettere i verbi all\'infinito
Alighiero Boetti
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Mettere i verbi all'infinito
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
1,310 auction results
Atanasio Soldati - Composizione astratta
Atanasio Soldati
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Composizione astratta
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
58 auction results
Gustavo Foppiani - Colosseo
Gustavo Foppiani
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Colosseo
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
8 auction results
Riccardo Tommasi Ferroni - Scene con minotauro
Riccardo Tommasi Ferroni
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Scene con minotauro
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
5 auction results
Renzo Vespignani - Maternità
Renzo Vespignani
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Maternità
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
14 auction results
Lorenzo Viani - Figura femminile
Lorenzo Viani
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Figura femminile
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
27 auction results
Alberto Ziveri - Roma
Alberto Ziveri
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Roma
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
5 auction results
Nicola Simbari - Paesaggio
Nicola Simbari
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Paesaggio
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
114 auction results
Bruno Caruso - Ritratto di signora
Bruno Caruso
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Ritratto di signora
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
9 auction results
Pio Semeghini - Autoritratto
Pio Semeghini
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Autoritratto
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
33 auction results
Ubaldo Oppi - Nudi
Ubaldo Oppi
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Nudi
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
15 auction results
Gino Severini - Rovine di Roma
Gino Severini
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Rovine di Roma
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
300 auction results
Valentino Vago - 71-A367
Valentino Vago
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: 71-A367
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
30 auction results
Giorgio Griffa - Senza titolo
Giorgio Griffa
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Senza titolo
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
66 auction results
Claudio Verna - A5
Claudio Verna
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: A5
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
7 auction results
Giuseppe Chiari - Sonata n. 46
Giuseppe Chiari
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Sonata n. 46
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
35 auction results
Emilio Scanavino - La punta
Emilio Scanavino
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: La punta
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
124 auction results
Alfredo Chighine - Composizione
Alfredo Chighine
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Composizione
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
25 auction results
Umberto Milani - Composizione
Umberto Milani
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Composizione
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
8 auction results
Gastone Novelli - Farfalla
Gastone Novelli
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Farfalla
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
67 auction results
Piero Dorazio - Agrio III
Piero Dorazio
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Agrio III
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
482 auction results
Antoni Tàpies - Escriptura
Antoni Tàpies
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Escriptura
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
1,519 auction results
Luigi Veronesi - Costruzione HZ 2
Luigi Veronesi
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Costruzione HZ 2
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
43 auction results
Salvo - \
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: "Strada" - città
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
151 auction results
Pompeo Borra - Musicante
Pompeo Borra
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Musicante
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
4 auction results
Concetto Pozzati - Truciolo
Concetto Pozzati
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Truciolo
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
10 auction results
Gianfranco Ferroni - Una notte sul lago
Gianfranco Ferroni
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Una notte sul lago
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
7 auction results
Galileo Chini - Gregge nel bosco
Galileo Chini
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Gregge nel bosco
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
18 auction results
Giacomo Manzù - Gli amanti
Giacomo Manzù
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Gli amanti
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
206 auction results
Sandro Chia - Battesimo di Gesù
Sandro Chia
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Battesimo di Gesù
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
296 auction results
Giuseppe Ajmone - Vetri
Giuseppe Ajmone
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Vetri
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
30 auction results
Victor Vasarely - Belle-Isle-C
Victor Vasarely
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Belle-Isle-C
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
2,452 auction results
Umberto Mastroianni - Composizione
Umberto Mastroianni
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Composizione
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
17 auction results
Pier Paolo Calzolari - Senza titolo
Pier Paolo Calzolari
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Senza titolo
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
97 auction results
Achille Perilli - Senza titolo
Achille Perilli
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Senza titolo
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
86 auction results
Corneille - Nu bleu
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Nu bleu
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
967 auction results
Emilio Tadini - Culto
Emilio Tadini
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Culto
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
41 auction results
Marco Lodola - Ballerina
Marco Lodola
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Ballerina
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
6 auction results
Aldo Pagliacci - Natura morta
Aldo Pagliacci
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Natura morta
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
6 auction results
John Hoyland - Senza titolo
John Hoyland
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Senza titolo
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
288 auction results
Vincenzo Agnetti - La prospettiva di ogni apertura è una chiusura
Vincenzo Agnetti
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: La prospettiva di ogni apertura è una chiusura
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
68 auction results
Lucio Del Pezzo - La freccia
Lucio Del Pezzo
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: La freccia
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
72 auction results
Andrea Bizanzio - Composizione
Andrea Bizanzio
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Composizione
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
4 auction results
Edoardo Giordano - Senza titolo
Edoardo Giordano
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Senza titolo
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
10 auction results
Angelo Cagnone - Dei Pronomi
Angelo Cagnone
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Dei Pronomi
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
25 auction results
Le Corbusier - Naissance du Minotaure
Le Corbusier
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: Naissance du Minotaure
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
599 auction results
Umberto Boccioni - La madre con l\'uncinetto
Umberto Boccioni
Auction: 29. May - 29. May 2001
Title: La madre con l'uncinetto
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
33 auction results