Deng Qichang


Found at Bonhams, Hong Kong (Online Auction)
Chinese PaintingsThe Online Sale, Lot 312
25. Sep - 9. Oct 2019
Estimate: 30.000 - 50.000 HKD
Price realised: not available
FINE CHINESE PAINTINGS PREVIOUSLY IN THE COLLECTION OF DR. STEPHEN YIH SHOU-YAO 葉守瑤博士舊藏中國書畫 LOTS 301-313 葉守瑤博士(1933-1999),生於上海,自幼移居香港,後負笈英倫,獲倫敦大學化學博士學位。他深具遠見,精通數門外語,曾執教於美國常春藤名校。從商後,就職於德國知名跨國製藥企業,因此遍遊世界,廣増閱歷。他與夫人雅好藝術,尤鍾情於書畫,與本港藝壇多有互動,上世紀八十、九十年代初更頻繁出入拍賣會。其所購藏不拘流派、題材,而能兼容並蓄。除吳昌碩、齊白石、張大千、吳湖帆、黃賓虹、傅抱石、趙少昂等南
Deng Qichang (Qing Dynasty)
Ink and colour on paper, set of four hanging scrolls
Inscribed and signed Tiexian, Feihong Guan Zhuren, Bo Daoren, with a dedication and four seals of the artist
Dated wuchen year of Emperor Tongzhi reign (1868)
136.3 x 26.7cm (53⅝ x 10½in) each (4).
Hong Kong Auctioneers & Estate Agency Limited, Sale of Fine Chinese Paintings, 20 March 1991, lot 88

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