Alecos Fassianos

Les hommes qui passent aux revolvers

Found at Bonhams, Paris
The Greek Sale, Lot 68
24. Apr - 24. Apr 2024
Estimate: 30.000 - 40.000 EUR
Price realised: 38.400 EUR
Les hommes qui passent aux revolvers
signé et daté « A Fassianos 68 » en haut à droite; titré et daté « A. Fassianos 1968, Les hommes qui passent aux revolvers » sur deux étiquettes de la galerie Paul Facchetti au dos; tampon de la galerie Paul Facchetti sur la toile au dos
huile sur toile
165 x 150cm. (64 61/64 x 59 1/16in.)
signed and dated "A Fassianos 68" upper right; titled and dated "A. Fassianos 1968, Men who pass to revolvers" on two labels from the Paul Facchetti gallery on the back; Paul Facchetti gallery stamp on the canvas on the back
oil on canvas
Levy collection, Philadelphia. (from Petit Livre) | P. Facchetti collection, Paris. (from Volupte) | Private collection, Paris.

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12 auction results
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Title: Le balais
Price: 15.360 EUR
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157 auction results
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Title: Sans titre
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Found at Bonhams
9 auction results
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Title: Éveil
Price: 3.840 EUR
Found at Bonhams
54 auction results