Every thought has its own often unfulfilled life.

The understanding of our ego is an illusion. It is a lie that is necessary for survival and seems to give our mind unity and consistency. Ultimately, our true self is only a sum of affects, feelings, and thoughts. Therefore, it is inevitable to experience and evaluate all these things only in their connectedness.

I argue that all those psychological processes have their own inherent personality. It seems as if these parts of the psyche have their independent will and also the desire to survive, to be understood and to form relationships.

I call the coexistence of these parts the mental society. The consensus of this society is what reaches our consciousness and the standard by which we act, think, and feel. In my work, I want to make this society visible. I want to show how incomplete, misunderstood and alone its parts can be and what conflicts they face.

This way of imagining gives me the ability to visit every corner of the psyche from its surface to its singularity and transfer it into painting.