Stuart Bolton 20th Century

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Antonio de Simone - The American yawl  Xarifa  in the Bay of Naples; and The American yawl  Xarifa  at sea in a swell
Antonio de Simone
Last auction: 7. Jul - 7. Jul 2016
Title: The American yawl Xarifa in the Bay of Naples; and The American yawl Xarifa at sea in a swell
Price: 1.750 GBP
Found at Christies
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Brian J. Jones Rsma - \'The Carlisle Castle\'
Brian J. Jones Rsma
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Price: 893 GBP
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Charles Martin Powell - Dutch shipping in a choppy sea
Charles Martin Powell
Last auction: 4. Apr - 4. Apr 2023
Title: Dutch shipping in a choppy sea
Price: 2.805 GBP
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John Wilson Carmichael - Dutch shipping on a calm sea off the coast
John Wilson Carmichael
Last auction: 18. Oct - 18. Oct 2023
Title: Dutch shipping on a calm sea off the coast
Price: not available
Found at Bonhams
111 auction results