Jan van Kessel II 1654 - 1708

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Jan van Kessel II - Flusslandschaft mit der Ruine von Eyckendynen bei den Haag und Fischern
Gemälde, Zeichnungen, Skulpturen 14.-19. Jh.
November 2022
Lempertz, Cologne
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Jan Van Kessel Le Jeune - Fruits Dans Des Coupes De Porcelaine, Bouquet De Fleurs Et Écureuils
Old Master & 19th Century Art
November 2019
Artcurial, Paris
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Jan Van Kessel Le Jeune - Plat De Fruits Et Bol De Mûres Sur Un Entablement
Old Master & 19th Century Art
November 2016
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Jan van Kessel II - Tulips, peonies, chicory, carnations, cherry blossom and other flowers in a glass vase, with butterflies, a bee and a lizard on a ledge
Old Master and British Paintings Day Sale
July 2016
Christies, London
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Jan van Kessel II - Scènes Avec Des Animaux Et Des Poissons
Tableaux Anciens et du XIXè Siècle
June 2007
Christies, Paris
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX
Jan Van Kessel II - Cats chasing eel, octopus, crab falling from an upturned basket, with a crayfish, sturgeon and other fish on a table nearby, in a larder
Old Master Pictures
May 2000
Christies, Amsterdam
Est.: XX.XXX
Realised: XX.XXX

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Abraham Storck - Hafenszene
Abraham Storck
Last auction: 16. May - 16. May 2024
Title: Hafenszene
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Lempertz
74 auction results
Francesco Guardi - Venice, a view of the Piazzetta toward the Libreria, with the eastern tip of the Giudecca beyond
Francesco Guardi
Last auction: 23. May - 23. May 2024
Title: Venice, a view of the Piazzetta toward the Libreria, with the eastern tip of the Giudecca beyond
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
197 auction results
Gaspard Dughet - An extensive classical landscape with fishermen on the banks of a river
Gaspard Dughet
Last auction: 6. Jul - 6. Jul 2022
Title: An extensive classical landscape with fishermen on the banks of a river
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Bonhams
28 auction results
Giacomo Guardi - Veduta del Ponte di Rialto\'; \'Ponte di Rialto\', Venice
Giacomo Guardi
Last auction: 6. Sept - 17. Sept 2024
Title: Veduta del Ponte di Rialto'; 'Ponte di Rialto', Venice
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Bonhams
130 auction results
Jacob Van Ruisdael - A waterfall with travellers on a footbridge and a castle beyond
Jacob Van Ruisdael
Last auction: 3. Jul - 3. Jul 2024
Title: A waterfall with travellers on a footbridge and a castle beyond
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
96 auction results
Jacques-Laurent Agasse - A bay stallion from Lord Heathfield\'s stud in a landscape
Jacques-Laurent Agasse
Last auction: 3. Jul - 3. Jul 2024
Title: A bay stallion from Lord Heathfield's stud in a landscape
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Bonhams
57 auction results
Jan Brueghel Le Jeune - La Tentation De Saint Antoine Dans Une Guirlande De Fleurs
Jan Brueghel Le Jeune
Last auction: 15. NOV - 15. NOV 2023
Title: La Tentation De Saint Antoine Dans Une Guirlande De Fleurs
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
109 auction results
Jan Frans Van Bloemen - A classical Italianate landscape with a goatherd and his flock, mountains beyond; and A classical Italianate landscape with a shepherd and his flock, other figures and a hilltop town beyond
Jan Frans Van Bloemen
Last auction: 3. Jul - 3. Jul 2024
Title: A classical Italianate landscape with a goatherd and his flock, mountains beyond; and A classical Italianate landscape with a shepherd and his flock, other figures and a hilltop town beyond
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
81 auction results
John Ferneley Senior - Intrepid, Conqueror and Bay Bolton with Silkman and Darnley beyond in a landscape
John Ferneley Senior
Last auction: 3. Jul - 3. Jul 2024
Title: Intrepid, Conqueror and Bay Bolton with Silkman and Darnley beyond in a landscape
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
114 auction results
John Glover, O.W.S. - The Pool of Westminster
John Glover, O.W.S.
Last auction: 5. Jul - 5. Jul 2022
Title: The Pool of Westminster
Price: XX.XXX
Found at Christies
53 auction results