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Henri Joseph Hesse
4 auction results in 3 auctions
Henri Joseph Hesse
Paris 1781 - 1849
not sold
Portrait de jeune garçon âgé de 8 ans
Feb 2023
Artcurial, Paris
2.350 GBP
A young officer, facing right in scarlet coat with silver-embroidered blue facings and silver epaulette, frilled white stock and black cravat
Nov 2001
Christies, London
588 GBP
Marie-Constance de Lamoignon, Duchesse de La Force, facing right in maroon dress with collar and banded bodice, red cashmere stole, elaborate lace bonnet with lace chin strap; her hands joined and holding a green bound book, seated in a green upholst
May 2000
Christies, London
940 GBP
Two miniatures of Constance de Caumont La Force, Marquise de La Grange, facing right in brown dress with wide lace-bordered white collar and smaller pink collar, gold-embroidered red scarf under the white collar and fastened at the waist by an embroi
May 2000
Christies, London
Auction History
Auction Results
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Auction Price
in Euro
up to 1,000
1,000 to 10,000
10,000 to 50,000
50,000 to 100,000
100,000 to 500,000
500,000 to 1. M.
more than 1 M.
Auction Year
Old Master & 19th Century Art
February 2023
Artcurial, Paris
Est.: 3.000 - 4.000 EUR
Realised: not sold
Portrait de jeune garçon âgé de 8 ans
not sold
Feb 2023 , Artcurial, Paris
Important Portrait Miniatures including works from the
November 2001
Christies, London
Est.: 1.200 - 1.800 GBP
Realised: 2.350 GBP
A young officer, facing right in scarlet coat with silver-embroidered blue facings and silver epaulette, frilled white stock and black cravat
2.350 GBP
Nov 2001 , Christies, London
May 2000
Christies, London
Est.: 600 - 800 GBP
Realised: 588 GBP
Marie-Constance de Lamoignon, Duchesse de La Force, facing right in maroon dress with collar and banded bodice, red cashmere stole, elaborate lace bonnet with lace chin strap; her hands joined and holding a green bound book, seated in a green upholst
588 GBP
May 2000 , Christies, London
May 2000
Christies, London
Est.: 800 - 1.200 GBP
Realised: 940 GBP
Two miniatures of Constance de Caumont La Force, Marquise de La Grange, facing right in brown dress with wide lace-bordered white collar and smaller pink collar, gold-embroidered red scarf under the white collar and fastened at the waist by an embroi
940 GBP
May 2000 , Christies, London
Dancing lightness of injured bodies - Simone Pick
Simone Pick
Opening - Block 1
Ceramic, Bronze, Steel, 2021
Simone Pick
Plain in Dimension 10
Bronze, 2019
Simone Pick
Plain in dimension 5
Bronze, 2022
Simone Pick
Plain in dimension 9
Bronze, 2023
Simone Pick
Plain in Dimension 2 - mbrace
Ceramic glazed, 2023
Simone Pick
Plain in Dimension 8
Bronze, 2023
Simone Pick
Plain in dimension 5
Steel, 2022
Simone Pick
Plain in dimension 7
Simone Pick
Opening - Block 1
Ceramic, Bronze, Steel, 2021
Simone Pick
Plain in Dimension 10
Bronze, 2019
Simone Pick
Plain in dimension 5
Bronze, 2022
Simone Pick
Plain in dimension 9
Bronze, 2023
Simone Pick
Plain in Dimension 2 - mbrace
Ceramic glazed, 2023
Simone Pick
Plain in Dimension 8
Bronze, 2023
Simone Pick
Plain in dimension 5
Steel, 2022
Simone Pick
Plain in dimension 7
Simone Pick
Opening - Block 1
Ceramic, Bronze, Steel, 2021
Simone Pick
Plain in Dimension 10
Bronze, 2019
Simone Pick
Plain in dimension 5
Bronze, 2022
Simone Pick
Plain in dimension 9
Bronze, 2023