Henri Désiré Van Blarenberghe Lille 1734 - 1812 Paris

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Henri-Désiré Van Blarenberghe - Paysage Romain Avec Des Personnages
October 2022
Christies, Paris
Est.: 1.500 - 2.000 EUR
Realised: 1.260 EUR
Henri-Desiré van Blarenberghe - Villagers unloading a boat near a Tower
Old Master and British Works on Paper
July 2022
Sothebys, London
Est.: 2.000 - 3.000 GBP
Realised: not available
Henri Désiré Van Blarenberghe - Rheinlandschaft mit Reisenden und Fischern.
Sammlung Müller-Frei
June 2020
Est.: 600 - 1.000 CHF
Realised: 625 CHF
Henri-Désiré Van Blarenberghe - A wooded river landscape with travellers and a town in the distance
Old Master and British Drawings and Watercolours Including Works from the Collection of Jean Bonna
July 2019
Christies, London
Est.: 3.000 - 5.000 GBP
Realised: 3.000 GBP
Henri-Desiré Van Blarenberghe - Travellers In A Wooded Landscape, A Village Beyond; And A Wooded Landscape With A Castle, Travellers On A Road
Old Master & British Drawings & Watercolours
December 2013
Christies, London
Est.: 1.500 - 2.000 GBP
Realised: 750 GBP
Henri-Desire Van Blarenberghe - Voyageurs dans un paysage
Dessins Anciens et du XIXème Siècle
March 2012
Christies, Paris
Est.: 3.000 - 5.000 EUR
Realised: 3.125 EUR
Henri-Désiré Van Blarenberghe - A military skirmish (illustrated); and In the mêlée of battle
British and Continental Watercolours including Original Book
December 2004
Christies, London
Est.: 1.200 - 1.800 GBP
Realised: 1.195 GBP
Henri-Désiré Van Blarenberghe - Travellers in an open landscape before sun-drenched hills (illustrated); and Travellers resting by a stream with a hamlet beyond
British and Continental Watercolours including Original Book
December 2004
Christies, London
Est.: 2.500 - 3.000 GBP
Realised: 3.227 GBP

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Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
Last auction: 20. Sep - 20. Sep 2024
Title: Kopf eines antiken Helden mit Helm.
Price: 52.500 CHF
Found at Koller
294 auction results
Jacopo Negretti - Verkündigung Mariens
Jacopo Negretti
Last auction: 16. May - 16. May 2024
Title: Verkündigung Mariens
Price: not available
Found at Lempertz
83 auction results
Abraham Rademaker - Figures by a river before ruins
Abraham Rademaker
Last auction: 6. Feb - 12. Feb 2024
Title: Figures by a river before ruins
Price: 1.664 GBP
Found at Bonhams
33 auction results
Edward Lear - A distant view of Corfu from Viros
Edward Lear
Last auction: 3. Jul - 3. Jul 2024
Title: A distant view of Corfu from Viros
Price: 5.292 GBP
Found at Christies
507 auction results

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