Arthur John Strutt

Costumi Popolari, 1841

Found at Christies, Rome
4. Jun - 4. Jun 2001
Estimate: 1.200 - 1.500 EUR
Price realised: 1.225 EUR
Arthur John Strutt (1819-1888)
Costumi popolari, 1841
firmato e datato A.J.Strutt 1841
acquarello su carta
mm 160x210

Auction result well in line with expectations

In June 2001 Christies in Rome held the auction ARTE DEL XIX SECOLO, which included the work Costumi Popolari, 1841 by Arthur John Strutt. The estimated price for the artwork was previously given by the auction house with a range of EUR 1,200.00 – 1,500.00, the actual price achieved of EUR 1,225.00 could thus just exceed the lower estimate. Of course, this price has nothing to do with the top prices that other works by Arthur John Strutt achieve. The highest price we have observed so far was reached by the work Haymaking In The Roman Campagna in November 2006 with an auction result of GBP 42,000.00 (€ 62,371.31).

Auktionsergebnis im Rahmen der Erwartungen

Im Juni 2001 führte Christies in Rom die Auktion ARTE DEL XIX SECOLO durch, in der auch die Arbeit Costumi Popolari, 1841 von Arthur John Strutt zur Versteigerung kam. Der Schätzpreis für das Kunstwerk wurde von dem Auktionshaus zuvor mit einer Spanne von EUR 1.200,00 – 1.500,00 angegeben, der tatsächlich erzielte Preis von EUR 1.225,00 konnte den unteren Schätzpreis somit knapp übertreffen. Dieser Preis hat freilich nichts mit den Spitzenpreisen zu tun, die andere Arbeiten von Arthur John Strutt erzielen. Den höchsten von uns bisher beobachteten Preis erreichte die Arbeit Haymaking In The Roman Campagna im November 2006 mit einem Auktionsergebnis von GBP 42.000,00 (€ 62.371,31).

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58 auction results
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75 auction results
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9 auction results
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62 auction results
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2,033 auction results
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Found at Christies
87 auction results
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7 auction results
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88 auction results
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8 auction results
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86 auction results
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Found at Christies
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5 auction results
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Found at Christies
6 auction results
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Found at Christies
17 auction results
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Price: 5.145 EUR
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10 auction results
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Title: Sala Macchine
Price: 9.188 EUR
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20 auction results
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Price: 11.025 EUR
Found at Christies
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Price: 3.185 EUR
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Price: 5.635 EUR
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Title: Il Lago Maggiore E L'Isola Bella
Price: 2.940 EUR
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41 auction results
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Vettore Zanetti Zilla
Auction: 4. Jun - 4. Jun 2001
Title: Venezia, Piazza San Marco
Price: 3.430 EUR
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8 auction results
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Guido Odierna
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Title: Scorcio Di Capri Con I Faraglioni
Price: 1.838 EUR
Found at Christies
22 auction results
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Title: Accanto Al Focolare
Price: 3.430 EUR
Found at Christies
4 auction results
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Price: 3.063 EUR
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74 auction results
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Price: 4.900 EUR
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16 auction results
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Price: 4.288 EUR
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25 auction results
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Auction: 4. Jun - 4. Jun 2001
Title: Madonna Con Bambino
Price: 3.185 EUR
Found at Christies
6 auction results
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Auction: 4. Jun - 4. Jun 2001
Title: Fanciulla
Price: 2.205 EUR
Found at Christies
6 auction results
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Auction: 4. Jun - 4. Jun 2001
Title: Natura Morta Con Fiori
Price: 2.450 EUR
Found at Christies
22 auction results
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Title: Venezia, Il Ponte Di Rialto
Price: 6.125 EUR
Found at Christies
24 auction results
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Auction: 4. Jun - 4. Jun 2001
Title: Paesaggio Costiero
Price: 3.185 EUR
Found at Christies
3 auction results
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Ermogene Miraglia
Auction: 4. Jun - 4. Jun 2001
Title: Mercato
Price: 4.900 EUR
Found at Christies
5 auction results
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Carlo Costantino Tagliabue
Auction: 4. Jun - 4. Jun 2001
Title: Paesaggio Con Caseggiati
Price: 3.185 EUR
Found at Christies
11 auction results
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Felice Giordano
Auction: 4. Jun - 4. Jun 2001
Title: Barche E Pescatori Al Porticciolo
Price: 4.900 EUR
Found at Christies
25 auction results
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Fausto Zonaro
Auction: 4. Jun - 4. Jun 2001
Title: Ritratto Di Giovane Donna (1882-1885)
Price: 3.063 EUR
Found at Christies
58 auction results
Lorenzo Gignous - Lago Di Como
Lorenzo Gignous
Auction: 4. Jun - 4. Jun 2001
Title: Lago Di Como
Price: 3.185 EUR
Found at Christies
20 auction results
Giuseppe Amisani - La Cattedrale Di Malines
Giuseppe Amisani
Auction: 4. Jun - 4. Jun 2001
Title: La Cattedrale Di Malines
Price: 3.675 EUR
Found at Christies
30 auction results
Achille Vianelli - Veduta Di Montesarchio (Benevento), 1840
Achille Vianelli
Auction: 4. Jun - 4. Jun 2001
Title: Veduta Di Montesarchio (Benevento), 1840
Price: 3.920 EUR
Found at Christies
23 auction results
Lorenzo Delleani - Figure Per \
Lorenzo Delleani
Auction: 4. Jun - 4. Jun 2001
Title: Figure Per "Sebastiano Veniero" (Studio)
Price: 1.593 EUR
Found at Christies
22 auction results
Luca Postiglione - Le Due Sorelle
Luca Postiglione
Auction: 4. Jun - 4. Jun 2001
Title: Le Due Sorelle
Price: 3.675 EUR
Found at Christies
12 auction results
Umberto Coromaldi - Cavalli In Sosta, 1914
Umberto Coromaldi
Auction: 4. Jun - 4. Jun 2001
Title: Cavalli In Sosta, 1914
Price: 3.675 EUR
Found at Christies
4 auction results
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Giovanni Fattori
Auction: 4. Jun - 4. Jun 2001
Title: Ritratto Di Uomo Con Bocchino
Price: 2.695 EUR
Found at Christies
46 auction results
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Pieretto Bianco
Auction: 4. Jun - 4. Jun 2001
Title: Scorcio Urbano
Price: 1.838 EUR
Found at Christies
8 auction results
Francesco Di Marino - Napoli, Piazza Dei Martiri
Francesco Di Marino
Auction: 4. Jun - 4. Jun 2001
Title: Napoli, Piazza Dei Martiri
Price: 1.225 EUR
Found at Christies
6 auction results
Silvio Bicchi - Signora Tra Il Verde
Silvio Bicchi
Auction: 4. Jun - 4. Jun 2001
Title: Signora Tra Il Verde
Price: 17.150 EUR
Found at Christies
4 auction results
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Bartolomeo Pinelli
Auction: 4. Jun - 4. Jun 2001
Title: "Lavatoio Pittoresco A Tivoli"
Price: 3.675 EUR
Found at Christies
47 auction results