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Jean-Gabriel Prêtre
14 auction results in 5 auctions
Jean-Gabriel Prêtre
French, 1800 - 1850
2.340 EUR
Singes, Caprins Et Cervidés
Jun 2020
Artcurial, Paris
3.640 EUR
Félins Et Chiens
Jun 2020
Artcurial, Paris
360 EUR
Un cheval, un âne et un buffle
Dec 2005
Christies, Paris
240 GBP
Studies of an Eagle
Jul 2005
Christies, London
2.820 GBP
Le Promérops multifil, mâle -- Twelve-wired Bird-of-Paradise -- Seleucidis melanoleuca.
Nov 2000
Christies, London
7.050 GBP
Deux éléphants d'Afrique - Two African Elephants [1] Lion - Lion [2], only the first signed "JG Prêtre" in gold in the margin, the first with gold framing lines.
Jun 2000
Christies, London
1.058 GBP
Tapir Maïba - Tapir - Tapirus indicus [1], signed in gold "J.G. Prêtre" in the margin, with gold framing lines.
Jun 2000
Christies, London
940 GBP
Guil Lanna Nanguer Chevrotain de Java - Four Chevrotains [1] Chevreuil - Roe-deer - Capreolus capreolus Cerf - Red Deer - Cervus elaphus Wapiti - Wapiti [2], both signed in gold "J.G Prêtre" in the margin, gold framing lines.
Jun 2000
Christies, London
5.288 GBP
Cochon Babiroussa des Molucques - Babirusa - Babyrousa babyrussa [1] Dromadère - Dromedary - Camelus sp. Buffle - Water Buffalo - Bubalus sp. [2] Rhinocéros de Java - Javan Rhinoceros - Rhinoceros sondaicus [3] each signed in gold "J.G Prêtre" in the marg
Jun 2000
Christies, London
1.293 GBP
Bouquetin - Ibex - Capra ibex Chamois - Chamoy - Rupicapra alpina Antilope - Antelope - Antilopus [1] signed in gold "J.G. Prêtre" in the margin, with gold framing lines. 155 x 90 mm.
Jun 2000
Christies, London
1.116 GBP
Nonain Grosse gorge Ramier - Three Pigeons - Columba sp. [1], signed in gold "J.G. Prêtre" in the margin, black chalk, brush and grey and brown wash, watercolour, heightened with white, gold framing lines.
Jun 2000
Christies, London
1.880 GBP
Argus géant - Male Argus - Phasianus argus
Jun 2000
Christies, London
Auction History
Auction Results
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Auction Price
in Euro
up to 1,000
1,000 to 10,000
10,000 to 50,000
50,000 to 100,000
100,000 to 500,000
500,000 to 1. M.
more than 1 M.
Auction Year
Old Master & XIXth Century Art
June 2020
Artcurial, Paris
Est.: 2.000 - 3.000 EUR
Realised: 2.340 EUR
Singes, Caprins Et Cervidés
2.340 EUR
Jun 2020 , Artcurial, Paris
Old Master & XIXth Century Art
June 2020
Artcurial, Paris
Est.: 3.000 - 4.000 EUR
Realised: 3.640 EUR
Félins Et Chiens
3.640 EUR
Jun 2020 , Artcurial, Paris
December 2005
Christies, Paris
Est.: 300 - 500 EUR
Realised: 360 EUR
Un cheval, un âne et un buffle
360 EUR
Dec 2005 , Christies, Paris
The Sunday Picture Sale - British and Continental oils,
July 2005
Christies, London
Est.: 250 - 350 GBP
Realised: 240 GBP
Studies of an Eagle
240 GBP
Jul 2005 , Christies, London
Natural History
November 2000
Christies, London
Est.: 2.000 - 3.000 GBP
Realised: 2.820 GBP
Le Promérops multifil, mâle -- Twelve-wired Bird-of-Paradise -- Seleucidis melanoleuca.
2.820 GBP
Nov 2000 , Christies, London
The Jeanson Collection
June 2000
Christies, London
Est.: 2.000 - 3.000 GBP
Realised: 7.050 GBP
Deux éléphants d'Afrique - Two African Elephants [1] Lion - Lion [2], only the first signed "JG Prêtre" in gold in the margin, the first with gold framing lines.
7.050 GBP
Jun 2000 , Christies, London
The Jeanson Collection
June 2000
Christies, London
Est.: 700 - 1.000 GBP
Realised: 1.058 GBP
Tapir Maïba - Tapir - Tapirus indicus [1], signed in gold "J.G. Prêtre" in the margin, with gold framing lines.
1.058 GBP
Jun 2000 , Christies, London
The Jeanson Collection
June 2000
Christies, London
Est.: 800 - 1.200 GBP
Realised: 940 GBP
Guil Lanna Nanguer Chevrotain de Java - Four Chevrotains [1] Chevreuil - Roe-deer - Capreolus capreolus Cerf - Red Deer - Cervus elaphus Wapiti - Wapiti [2], both signed in gold "J.G Prêtre" in the margin, gold framing lines.
940 GBP
Jun 2000 , Christies, London
The Jeanson Collection
June 2000
Christies, London
Est.: 700 - 900 GBP
Realised: 5.288 GBP
Cochon Babiroussa des Molucques - Babirusa - Babyrousa babyrussa [1] Dromadère - Dromedary - Camelus sp. Buffle - Water Buffalo - Bubalus sp. [2] Rhinocéros de Java - Javan Rhinoceros - Rhinoceros sondaicus [3] each signed in gold "J.G Prêtre" in the marg
5.288 GBP
Jun 2000 , Christies, London
The Jeanson Collection
June 2000
Christies, London
Est.: 700 - 900 GBP
Realised: 1.293 GBP
Bouquetin - Ibex - Capra ibex Chamois - Chamoy - Rupicapra alpina Antilope - Antelope - Antilopus [1] signed in gold "J.G. Prêtre" in the margin, with gold framing lines. 155 x 90 mm.
1.293 GBP
Jun 2000 , Christies, London
The Jeanson Collection
June 2000
Christies, London
Est.: 700 - 1.000 GBP
Realised: 1.116 GBP
Nonain Grosse gorge Ramier - Three Pigeons - Columba sp. [1], signed in gold "J.G. Prêtre" in the margin, black chalk, brush and grey and brown wash, watercolour, heightened with white, gold framing lines.
1.116 GBP
Jun 2000 , Christies, London
The Jeanson Collection
June 2000
Christies, London
Est.: 1.500 - 2.000 GBP
Realised: 1.880 GBP
Argus géant - Male Argus - Phasianus argus
1.880 GBP
Jun 2000 , Christies, London
The Jeanson Collection
June 2000
Christies, London
Est.: 700 - 1.000 GBP
Realised: 823 GBP
Passerin indigo - Indigo Bunting - Passerina cyanea Passerin - Bunting - Passerina sp. Fournier [?] - Hornero - Furnarius [1] signed in gold "J.G Prêtre" in the margin, black chalk, brush and grey and brown wash, watercolour, heightened with white and gum
823 GBP
Jun 2000 , Christies, London
The Jeanson Collection
June 2000
Christies, London
Est.: 700 - 1.000 GBP
Realised: 1.293 GBP
Vanga - Vanga - Xenopirostris sp. Schetbé [Vanga roux] - Rufous Schetba - Schetba rufa Gonolek - Bush Shrike - Laniarius sp. [1] Rousserolle - Sedge-warbler - Acrocephalus sp. Grive musicienne - Song Thrush - Turdus philomelos [Grive] Draine - Mistle Thru
1.293 GBP
Jun 2000 , Christies, London
Alexandra Weidmann - Color is Life - Life is Color!
Alexandra Weidmann
Das Leben, die Arbeit und der Tod Nr. 2
Painting, 2022
Alexandra Weidmann
Painting, 2018
Alexandra Weidmann
The Winner Takes it All
Painting, 2011
3.600 Euro
Alexandra Weidmann
Allen zur Warnung
Painting, 2018
Alexandra Weidmann
Painting, 2019
3.600 Euro
Alexandra Weidmann
denn sie wissen, was sie tun...
Painting, 2013
Alexandra Weidmann
Alter weißer Mann - Ausruhen vom Geschlechterkampf
Painting, 2021
Alexandra Weidmann
Painting, 2021
Alexandra Weidmann
Hochfliegende Träume
Painting, 2022
3.750 Euro
Alexandra Weidmann
Painting, 2021
2.850 Euro
Alexandra Weidmann
Vater, Mutter, Kind
Painting, 2020
3.600 Euro
Alexandra Weidmann
Einer für Alle, Alle für einen
Painting, 2018