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Friedrich Carl Gröger
4 auction results in 4 auctions
Friedrich Carl Gröger
Plön 1766 - 1838 Hamburg
3.000 EUR
Portrait of Agnes Gräfin zu Ranzau (1803-1884), full-length, in a white dress, holding a basket with flowers, standing in a garden
Dec 2012
Christies, Amsterdam
18.750 EUR
Portrait of Sophie Caroline von Berger, nee Gräfin Krag-Juel-Vind-Fries, three-quarter-length, in a white dress and a silk wrap, standing in a landscape, leaning on a pedestal with lilies
Dec 2010
Christies, Amsterdam
1.763 GBP
A young gentleman believed to be a Count Rantzau, facing left in coat and frilled cravat, hair en queue
Nov 2001
Christies, London
2.468 GBP
Brotherly love
Nov 2001
Christies, London
Auction History
Auction Results
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Auction Price
in Euro
up to 1,000
1,000 to 10,000
10,000 to 50,000
50,000 to 100,000
100,000 to 500,000
500,000 to 1. M.
more than 1 M.
Auction Year
European Noble and Private Collections
December 2012
Christies, Amsterdam
Est.: 3.000 - 5.000 EUR
Realised: 3.000 EUR
Portrait of Agnes Gräfin zu Ranzau (1803-1884), full-length, in a white dress, holding a basket with flowers, standing in a garden
3.000 EUR
Dec 2012 , Christies, Amsterdam
European Noble and Private Collections incl. Fine Paintings
December 2010
Christies, Amsterdam
Est.: 5.000 - 8.000 EUR
Realised: 18.750 EUR
Portrait of Sophie Caroline von Berger, nee Gräfin Krag-Juel-Vind-Fries, three-quarter-length, in a white dress and a silk wrap, standing in a landscape, leaning on a pedestal with lilies
18.750 EUR
Dec 2010 , Christies, Amsterdam
Important Portrait Miniatures including works from the
November 2001
Christies, London
Est.: 1.500 - 2.500 GBP
Realised: 1.763 GBP
A young gentleman believed to be a Count Rantzau, facing left in coat and frilled cravat, hair en queue
1.763 GBP
Nov 2001 , Christies, London
Nineteenth Century European Art
November 2001
Christies, London
Est.: 2.500 - 3.500 GBP
Realised: 2.468 GBP
Brotherly love
2.468 GBP
Nov 2001 , Christies, London
Dror Ben Ami - Vanity in countless colors of black
Dror Ben Ami
Webs 1
Drawing, 2009
1.600 Euro
Dror Ben Ami
Drawing, 2018
1.500 Euro
Dror Ben Ami
Mandala 2
Drawing, 2010
2.200 Euro
Dror Ben Ami
Windows 3
Drawing, 2009
1.600 Euro
Dror Ben Ami
Summer seeds
Drawing, 2016
2.500 Euro
Dror Ben Ami
Bubbles of Air
Drawing, 2016
2.300 Euro
Dror Ben Ami
Wings 1
Drawing, 2009
1.500 Euro
Dror Ben Ami
New Vanitas 6
Drawing, 2015
1.000 Euro
Dror Ben Ami
Cyclamen 1
Drawing, 2013
2.200 Euro
Dror Ben Ami
The African Series 2
Drawing, 2022
1.650 Euro
Dror Ben Ami
The African series 8
Drawing, 2022
1.650 Euro
Dror Ben Ami
The African Series 6
Drawing, 2022
1.650 Euro