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Hong Kong
Fine Chinese Modern and Contemporary Ink Paintings, Lot 1188
1. Dec - 1. Dec 2023
Fine Chinese Modern and Contemporary Ink Paintings, Lot 1188
1. Dec - 1. Dec 2023
Estimate: 100.000 - 200.000 HKD
Price realised: not available
Price realised: not available
SANYU (Chang Yu, 1901-1966)
Scroll, unmounted and framed, ink on paper
44.5 x 16.8 cm. (17 ½ x 6 5⁄8 in.)
Signed, with one painted seal of the artist
- Previously from a private collection, Paris, France. | Christie’s Hong Kong, Chinese 20th Century Art, 29 May 2011, lot 1209 (one of five).
Scroll, unmounted and framed, ink on paper
44.5 x 16.8 cm. (17 ½ x 6 5⁄8 in.)
Signed, with one painted seal of the artist
- Previously from a private collection, Paris, France. | Christie’s Hong Kong, Chinese 20th Century Art, 29 May 2011, lot 1209 (one of five).